Friday, April 3, 2015

TED CRUZ: Nothing Liberals Fear More Than a True Conservative

Nothing Liberals Fear More Than a True Conservative

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Liberals in the media are scrambling over top of one another to see which of them can denounce Ted Cruz with the most gusto. The Texas senator became the first Republican to officially throw his hat into the 2016 ring this week, and it has inspired a quaking fear over on the left. Not because they think he might actually win, but because they are scared to admit a guy like Cruz is even allowed to exist at this level of politics.

In an email to supporters, the DNC called Cruz “really, really scary.” The Huffington Post has seen dozens of bloggers rush to their keyboards, all of them armed with a handful of what they consider “Cruz Follies,” and all of them assuring their readers that he has no chance whatsoever of becoming president. And David Ludwick in The Atlantic takes a backhanded shot at Cruz supporters, reminding his esteemed readership that though “the Washington establishment may assume that Cruz’s apocalyptic rhetoric is alienating to audiences, his success would suggest that it is having the opposite effect. By creating a world that deals in black and white, the Texas freshman provides his supporters with a comforting degree of clarity amid the bewildering complexities of reality.”

You can almost close your eyes and imagine the picture of a Ted Cruz supporter, as filtered through the eye of a high-minded liberal elitist. Slack-jawed, scared, and dirty, eyes wide with a passion that can only survive when one carefully avoids education, newspapers, and subtitled cinema. Ready to believe anything or anyone as long as it means we can get rid of that dagburned Muslim currently occupying the White House.

What’s Really, Really Scary About Ted Cruz?

Listen to Ted Cruz speak for more than five minutes, and it becomes clear that there’s really nothing scary about him. He’s relatively soft-spoken, eminently intelligent, and good-humored. He’s the kind of guy you can imagine hugging grandmothers in a church lobby after the service. What is it about him that inspires all of this fear from his detractors?

It is, of course, his beliefs. Liberals have convinced themselves that only yokels who have never been out of their own hometown still believe the things Cruz stands for. It is so foreign to them that a guy like him – Harvard educated, no less! – could exist on the national stage. A guy who believes in the Bible? A guy who talks of the “transformative love of Jesus Christ?” A guy willing to stand up and say that our rights come not from man, but from “God almighty?” These elitists look around and each other, scratch their heads, and think, haven’t we outlawed this kind of speech yet?

The left has yet to take control of this country, but they have long taken control of the perception of America. You can find millions and millions of Americans who believe in every word Ted Cruz utters, but he seems revolutionary because we no longer give these beliefs a place on the national stage. When someone slips through – a Palin, a Limbaugh, a Beck – they are quickly marginalized and mocked by the terrified left. They are labeled bigots and worse, only for holding beliefs shared by half the country.

Whether or not Ted Cruz really has a shot at the White House is in many ways secondary at this early stage. What’s really exciting is that he’s there at all. We need someone like him to remind the left that this isn’t the United States of Liberalism. Not yet, anyway.

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