Saturday, May 30, 2015

Teachers Told to Reflect on White Privilege

Teachers Told to Reflect on White Privilege

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Teachers across the country are being forced to sit through liberal indoctrination briefings that examine the “presence and role of whiteness” and how it is having a detrimental impact on young minority students. White teachers, through no fault of their own, are basically being told they are racists.

One photo surfaced from the St. Paul, Minnesota school district, showing a slide that was used as part of a white privilege training session. On the slide was a Klansman. The question on the slide reads: “When do you wear the hood?” According to those who attended the meeting, the teachers were asked to sit in silence for a few minutes and consider when they give in to their inner Klansman.

These sessions are put on with the help of a California company called Pacific Educational Group. This company is raking in a fortune with its consultations, all of which are aimed at exposing white privilege among educators. PEG’s program says that some of the discriminatory aspects of “white culture” include an emphasis on strict schedules, individualism, and the benefits of hard work. These “white traits” are hurting black children in school. PEG insists that teachers check their privilege and realize that minority cultures do not emphasize the same values.

Of course, the problem is that these traits – hardly unique to white people – really are the keys to American success. By taking them out of schools, PEG is doing minority students a huge disservice. You don’t solve educational disparities by lowering the bar! The real world is more competitive today than ever before. Preaching white privilege might lead to higher minority graduation rates, but what happens to those students when they realize that “white traits” are an immutable part of gainful employment?

Not only does this expose how out of control the public school system has gotten, it sheds light on a big problem in many minority communities. Kids are taught that there is nothing worse than “acting white.” And “acting white” comes to encompass all manner of positive traits, leading young minorities to shun reading, mock those who do well in school, and eschew any vocabulary that didn’t originate in the ghetto.

Democrats are on a big push to reduce black incarceration rates. But the key to doing that is not to change the definition of crime. It is to get over this cultural divide. It is to stop acting like it’s racist to ask black children to do well in school. We have to get rid of these idiotic concepts like white privilege. We have to stop pretending as though cops are out to get black people. We have to start dealing with the realities of the world, and stop entertaining these liberal fantasies.

Sent from my iPhone

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