Thursday, November 28, 2013


Where Is the Love?

When I’ve written recently about food stamp recipientsthe uninsured and prison inmates, I’ve had plenty of pushback from readers.

A reader named Keith reflected a coruscating chorus when he protested: “If kids are going hungry, it is because of the parents not upholding their responsibilities.”

A reader in Washington bluntly suggested taking children from parents and putting them in orphanages.

Jim asked: “Why should I have to subsidize someone else’s child? How about personal responsibility? If you procreate, you provide.”

After a recent column about an uninsured man who delayed seeing a doctor about a condition that turned out to be colon cancer, many readers noted that he is a lifelong smoker and said he had it coming.

“What kind of a lame brain doofus is this guy?” one reader asked. “And like it’s our fault that he couldn’t afford to have himself checked out?”

Such scorn seems widespread, based on the comments I get on my blog and Facebook page — as well as on polling and on government policy. At root, these attitudes reflect a profound lack of empathy.

A Princeton University psychology professor, Susan Fiske, has found that when research subjects hooked up to neuro-imaging machines look at photos of the poor and homeless, their brains often react as if they are seeing things, not people. Her analysis suggests that Americans sometimes react to poverty not with sympathy but with revulsion.

So, on Thanksgiving, maybe we need a conversation about empathy for fellow humans in distress.

Let’s acknowledge one point made by these modern social Darwinists: It’s true that some people in poverty do suffer in part because of irresponsible behavior, from abuse of narcotics to criminality to laziness at school or jobs. But remember also that many of today’s poor are small children who have done nothing wrong.

Some 45 percent of food stamp recipients are children, for example. Do we really think that kids should go hungry if they have criminal parents? Should a little boy not get a curved spine treated properly because his dad is a deadbeat? Should a girl not be able to go to preschool because her mom is an alcoholic?

Successful people tend to see in themselves a simple narrative: You study hard, work long hours, obey the law and create your own good fortune. Well, yes. That often works fine in middle-class families.

But if you’re conceived by a teenage mom who drinks during pregnancy so that you’re born with fetal alcohol effects, the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against you from before birth. You’ll perhaps never get traction.

Likewise, if you’re born in a high-poverty neighborhood to a stressed-out single mom who doesn’t read to you and slaps you more than hugs you, you’ll face a huge handicap. One University of Minnesota study found that the kind of parenting a child receives in the first 3.5 years is a better predictor of high school graduation than I.Q.

All this helps explain why one of the strongest determinants of ending up poor is being born poor. As Warren Buffett puts it, our life outcomes often depend on the “ovarian lottery.” Sure, some people transcend their circumstances, but it’s callous for those born on second or third base to denounce the poor for failing to hit home runs.

John Rawls, the brilliant 20th-century philosopher, argued for a society that seems fair if we consider it from behind a “veil of ignorance” — meaning we don’t know whether we’ll be born to an investment banker or a teenage mom, in a leafy suburb or a gang-ridden inner city, healthy or disabled, smart or struggling, privileged or disadvantaged. That’s a shrewd analytical tool — and who among us would argue for food stamp cuts if we thought we might be among the hungry children?

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let’s remember that the difference between being surrounded by a loving family or being homeless on the street is determined not just by our own level of virtue or self-discipline, but also by an inextricable mix of luck, biography, brain chemistry and genetics.

For those who are well-off, it may be easier to castigate the irresponsibility of the poor than to recognize that success in life is a reflection not only of enterprise and willpower, but also of random chance and early upbringing.

Low-income Americans, who actually encounter the needy in daily life, understand this complexity and respond with empathy. Researchers say that’s why the poorest 20 percent of Americans donate more to charity, as a fraction of their incomes, than the richest 20 percent. Meet those who need help, especially children, and you become less judgmental and more compassionate.

And compassion isn’t a sign of weakness, but a mark of civilization.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Obama FBI Partners with Left-Wing Extremist Group SPLC

The magnitude of this Obama administration’s “progressive” radicalism becomes more evident with each passing day with its support of the radical leftist group the Southern Poverty Law Center or SPLC. In recent months, there has been a drastic spike in acts of both anti-Christian and anti-conservative discrimination and intimidation on military bases across the country. This mounting harassment is not being carried out at the hands of regular enlisted folk but, rather, at the hands of high-ranking officials who, in their official capacity, are targeting Christian and conservative organizations and individuals in an effort to silence them.

It has long been suspected that the Obama administration is using propaganda circulated by the discredited SPLC that in recent years has adopted two primary goals: (1) raising truckloads of money and (2) smearing as “domestic hate groups” dozens of mainstream Christian ministries like the Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA).

This suspicion has now been verified.

The problem on military bases has gotten so bad that Congress is demanding answers from the Pentagon. Recently, the AFA-affiliated newsgroup reported that “Congressman Alan Nunnelee (R-Mississippi) is 1 of 38 members of Congress signing off on a letter to the Secretary of the Army – especially about an incident last month at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, in which the Tupelo-based American Family Association was labeled in Army training material as a ‘hate group.’ The Army initially claimed it was an isolated incident.

“‘But as we looked into it, [we found] this is not an isolated incident,’ Nunnelee [told] OneNewsNow. ‘There are a number of cases where the Army has singled out the American Family Association and other Christian organizations as hate groups, and service men and women have been threatened with sanctions if they support these groups.”

After a tremendous public outcry – and in an embarrassing slap to the face of the SPLC – the Pentagon quickly backpedaled, later apologizing about the Camp Shelby incident and publicly admitting that, despite the SPLC’s absurd claims to the contrary, the AFA is not a “hate group.”

Still, rather than distancing itself from the anti-Christian SPLC as one might expect, the Obama administration has strengthened it ties.

For instance, I recently learned that on its official website, the FBI lists as one of its primary “hate crimes resources,” the SPLC.

This is especially mysterious when you consider that the FBI’s own verified hate crimes statistics are completely at odds with numbers put out by the SPLC in its fundraising propaganda. Whereas the FBI indicates that there was a sharp 24.3 percent decrease in hate crimes from 1996 to 2010, with racial hate crimes dropping by 41.9 percent, the SPLC incongruously claims that since 2000, the number of “hate groups” has somehow increased by 67.3 percent.

So send your money right away!

The FBI’s empirical data doesn’t track with the SPLC’s political propaganda. Consequently, by partnering so closely with this discredited organization, the Department of Justice significantly undermines its own credibility.

You may recall that it was the SPLC’s dishonest and reprehensible strategy of juxtaposing mainstream Christian organizations like the FRC and the AFA alongside violent extremist groups like the Aryan Brotherhood and the Skin Heads that led to an actual act of domestic terrorism.

On that date, “gay” activist Floyd Lee Corkins II – who later confessed in court that he was spurred-on by the SPLC’s anti-Christian materials – entered the lobby of the Washington-based Family Research Council intending to kill every Christian within.

Corkins was armed with both a gun and a backpack full of ammunition. He also had 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches that he intended to rub in the faces of his would-be victims. (FRC had recently defended the food chain’s COO Dan Cathy for pro-natural marriage statements he made.)

The only thing standing between Corkins and mass murder was FRC facilities manager and security specialist Leo Johnson. As Corkins shouted disapproval for FRC’s “politics,” he shot Johnson who, despite a severely wounded arm, managed to tackle Corkins and disarm him.

Of Johnson’s actions, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said, “The security guard here is a hero, as far as I’m concerned.”

I agree.

Upon hearing of Leo’s selfless act of heroism, I was reminded of John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

But according to the SPLC and the FBI (by virtue of its close ties to the group), Leo’s heart is, instead, full of hate. Everyone at FRC is hateful.

In fact, if you happen to be a Bible-believing Christian, you too are hateful.

You get the drill.

The Obama administration has absolutely no business partnering with this extremist organization – and it’s an outrage that it does. If this troubles you as much as it does me, please contact the FBI at (202) 324-3000 and respectfully voice your concern. Then call or email your local FBI office. (Click here to find that location.) It’s critical that freedom-loving Americans light-up the FBI’s phone lines and demand that all facets of government completely disassociate from the SPLC and disavow any further use of its anti-Christian propaganda.

The Southern Poverty Law Center must be held accountable for its inflammatory and potentially deadly anti-Christian bigotry.

Matt Barber (@jmattbarber on Twitter) is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war.     

Monday, November 25, 2013


Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

"It is the country of the United States, with foreign interests and control, which seeks to instigate and benefit from a war; a war between the United States and America. A war they plan to start AFTER inciting a civil war."

Quoting the article:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle --  Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Jack Mullen
Activist Post

America is facing two wars, both instigated by a foreign nation with foreign interests; wars to be fought here on American soil with Tyranny and Liberty in the balance. 

At this very moment Americans are secretly being herded, manipulated, divided and gulled into a civil war; A weakening, disarming, demoralizing, devastating, but still dispensable civil war. Then, without relief, the second, and most brutal, war will begin; a war to determine the future of the world for generations to come. 

The Civil War will be a false flag event, staged to disarm Americans followed by an attack of multi-national troops - destroying the final resistance and instituting a new system of government; a world government with the former America as a territory. 

To understand how this is possible it necessary to open your mind and look around.

The United States Government has been captured and is not the government authorized by the Constitution for the United States of America, but rather a usurper occupational government that is de facto.

Black’s Law Dictionary, first edition, defines de facto
In fact, in deed, actually. This phrase is used to characterize an officer, a government, a past action, or a state of affairs which exists actually and must be accepted for all practical purposes, but which is illegal or illegitimate. 
Black’s Law Dictionary, first edition, defines usurper
One who assumes the right of government by force, contrary to and in violation of the constitution of the country. 

A Constitutional government has limited authority to intervene in the operation of the states and would have almost no authority to intervene in the lives of citizens of the states. A Constitutional government cannot exceed its authority as defined in the Supreme law of the land but, using only the 4th and 10th amendment as a check, it’s abundantly clear, the United States federal government has exceeded its authority, is rogue, and thus illegitimate, illegal and void.
If asked how to cope with a great host of the enemy ... I should say: "Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will."  Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The de facto United States Federal Government (USG) is actually a country unto itself, a nation located within the area defined as the District of Columbia and territories held in the name of the United States, but not incorporated in the Union of States called the United States of America (America) [A]. 

Article 1, section 8, paragraph 17 of the Constitution for the united States of America contains a loophole exposing the Constitution and America to a pathogen, an invading foreign body; a quiet deceit - a Trojan Horse in the heart of America [A]. 
In the United States today we have in effect two governments. ... We have the duly constituted Government. ... Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution - Congressman Wright Patman, Chairman of the House Banking Committee [C]
It is in the District of Columbia where usurpers began to create a separate nation, a legislative democracy, legislated by the same Congress legislating the Constitutional government of the Union of States. By careful use of the name United States, distinctly differing from United States of America, but deceitfully used as a synonym for the latter, a parasite has perched on the heart of our Republic. 

After years of deceit and treachery, the United States has become a foreign master, a tyranny with third party interests and third party goals, pretending to represent the Republic of the United States of America. 
This act [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. ... When the President signs this act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized. - Charles A. Lindbergh Sr speaking to Congress after the Federal Reserve was passed, December 22, 1913 [C]
If the United States is a foreign legislative democracy, who are its leaders, are they not the duly elected members of Congress and Senate and the White House? No - in fact, it’s been a long time since the United States of America has had leaders not in service to foreign masters. The last time was before Woodrow Wilson was conveniently placed in office and before the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve was given charge of American money and credit. 

The truth is, the USG is an agent of the top five (or so) International mega-banks including the private Federal Reserve. The bankers are proxies of power and action for a hidden elite, a small group of hereditarily wealthy families that have for hundreds, if not thousands of years, controlled and influenced the world. Names such as Rockefeller in America and Rothschild in the United Kingdom are among those that control the USG. 
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
It is the country of the United States, with foreign interests and control, which seeks to instigate and benefit from a war; a war between the United States and America. A war they plan to start AFTER inciting a civil war.

It is time to recognize and acknowledge the deceit, only then can you ‘know the enemy‘.  

Deceit quite deliberately leads to confusion and confusion leads to disarray and self defeat. Americans are being pitted against Americans to disarm America - before the war starts with the United States. It’s time to be clear: Americans, the citizens of the 50 states, are being deceived, by a cunning and ruthless foreign nation, into choosing either tyranny and enslavement by tacit unconditional surrender (disarming) or face a baited civil war and final war against an undeclared enemy (International bankers occupying and controlling the United States, a separate and hostile nation embedded in the heart of America.) 
We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest - James P. Warburg, testimony to US Senate hearings concerning United Nations and its organizations, February 17, 1950
Why is America slated for destruction? Dr. John Coleman writing in Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, explains the goal and the reason Americans must be disarmed. According to Coleman the elite, the mega-bank masters of the United States desire a

A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. 
There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.[emphasis added][B]
A civil war, to be instigated by the USG, is necessary to quickly involve and downsize armed populations and destroy police units that might, in the end, still be loyal to America. A civil war is necessary because American active military troops might be unwilling to attack and kill Americans, except, if necessary to "restore peace" (a deception). A civil war is necessary to demoralize and turn Americans against any further violence that will be required to preserve the right to self defense and inevitably the right to life. 

The move to disarm Americans is a false flag campaign and it includes elements of staged attempts to get some people to voluntarily turn in their weapons, while others will be cast as terrorists, outlaws, renegades, enemies of the state; hunted, jailed or murdered. 

The move to disarm Americans is necessary so mega-bankers, and their elite masters, can move on to the next stage of their megalomaniacal dream of world government, a world government based on feudalism. A world government of elites and slaves - and in between nothing, except a tear for what could have been. 

Although crime is currently at a 50-year low in America, yet gun ownership and sales are at all-time highs, crime and violence will rapidly rise after "gun-control" measures are implemented and Americans willingly disarm. For examples of rising crime rates under gun-control conditions look at Chicago or Mexico. 

The abbreviated list below names a just a few reasons why being and staying armed, now, is more important than anytime in American history since the revolutionary war.
  • The USG has recently announced the dollar’s value will be “killed”[1].
  • Federal agencies are arming themselves with billions of rounds of HOLLOW POINT ammunition for use in a war they will create against American Citizens [2]. 
  • The USG is creating unnecessary agencies to act against American Citizens; agencies such as The Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, and the Transportation Safety Agency; agencies created to subdue American Citizens. Structurally these unnecessary agencies are similar to agencies created by Nazi Germany during the early growth period of Nazi fascism and subsequent tyranny. For example, the Nazi RSHA, equivalent to DHS, was the parent agency of the SS, the Gestapo and a whole menu of police state bureaus - organized to maintain ironclad control in support of Nazi authoritarianism. DHS appears to be the parent agency to a growing number of sub agencies such as the TSA. [3]. 
  • The global mega-banks have control of the American military. The American military is a mercenary force working toward the goals of a foreign usurper which include creating a world government, while ending nation states. The military is being used to destroy nation states around the world and will later be used against American Citizens. Without weapons, Americans cannot hope to present even the threat of repelling an attack by the usurper controlled American military. 
  • The USG is currently conducting military drills simulating assaults on American cities, see the military "training" operations in St. Louis, Miami, Houston and other cities. This is unprecedented and signals the USG is practicing for a time when they will be back to these cities with non-simulated assaults [4]. Unprecedented USG military training, in apparent total disregard for the Posse Comitatus Act, has been noted around the country. Foreign troops have been reported training in various locations including documented evidence of Russian troops training in Colorado and others reportedly seen in North Carolina and Texas. [F] 
  • The USG, using a totally controlled television media, created a false hysteria around shootings at the Aurora theatre and Sandy Hook elementary schools. These events were not properly investigated and many aspects surrounding the events appear to be completely staged. Therefore, until they are privately investigated, it has to be assumed these too were FALSE FLAG, staged events, similar to the Dunblane primary school shooting in Scotland, used to disarm citizens of the United Kingdom, and the Port Arthur massacre used to disarm Australians. Both Dunblane and Port Arthur have similarities consistent with the shootings reported at Sandy Hook. [5] 
  • The global mega-banks and the USG have evolved the condition where more than 50% of Americans are beholden to government for basic survival needs; welfare, job contracts, subsidies, food stamps etc. Fifty percent of the people dependent at the same time government will be forced to devalue the dollar to continue servicing its debt. As debt continues to rise, and more government borrowing is required to service the debt, inflation will destroy the currency and the value of the entire financial system denominated in dollars will collapse, making support of those on government assistance impossible. This situation will lead to sharply rising crime; crime that would be less damaging if Americans are armed.[6] 
  • Further dollar-related news, the Chinese and other nations are maneuvering to replace the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) as the world’s reserve currency. The plan will be to begin using gold and silver for purchases of petroleum. The so-called petro-dollar (FRN) retains its value primarily because it’s the only currency accepted for purchases of petroleum in the major oil producing countries. United States world power is maintained in large part by a monopoly in the petro-dollar. The value of the dollar will drastically change with the loss of this monopoly since dollars, purchased to exchange for oil, will not be available to invest in United States treasury notes. 
  • Devalued dollars will purchase less food, while mega-banks manipulate food prices with financial market products tied to food resources. Commodities market derivatives, Exchanged Traded Funds (ETF) and commodity index funds associated with raw food materials are financial products that can artificially manipulate food prices and production leading to shortages and rising prices. Additionally, the USG has reduced the amount of corn that can be grown for food as corn earmarked for conversion into ethanol products is diverted from the food market. Finally persistent drought and higher prices for imported foods, as the dollar is devalued, will lead to generally rising food prices and shortages leading to rising crime. [7][8] 
  • The USG has engineered the mass migration of American industry to China, resulting in a falling standard of living (in America) which will decline more sharply as the dollar is devalued. At that time rising prices will lead to massive unemployment, resulting in rising crime; crime that would be partially offset if Americans were armed. 
  • The global mega banks have looted and relocated American wealth (manufacturing, patents, gold, silver and other physical or intellectual things of value) to China and other foreign locations; American gold and silver has been stolen. Precious metals looting is why the private banking cartel, called Federal Reserve, refuses an audit of America’s precious metals reserves. 
  • The global mega banks have engineered and sold fraudulent financial instruments that will cause hundreds of trillions of dollars of counter party obligations during conditions resulting from a dollar devaluation. These obligations will become the obligation of the American Citizen via secret and deceitful contracts hypothecating all American assets as collateral for USG debt. Americans will be aware that mega-bank obligations, assumed firstly by the de-facto government and then transferred by agreement to Citizens, are fraud, but without weapons it will not be possible to rightfully stop the confiscation of property. American property will be dispensed to global mega-bankers and their operatives including the Communist Chinese. The Chinese will bring military forces to protect their property against disarmed Americans. 
  • The USG Department of Justice and the President of the United States are operating a lawless fascism, unrestricted by the supreme law of the land (Constitution), the USG will ‘authorize’, by executive orders and illegal statutes such as the NDAA, use of attack drones to kill Americans without warrants or any due process. 
  • The global mega-banks acting through their agents of the USG, have implemented a eugenics program to surreptitiously reduce American population. The system uses a long-term approach and acts through a process of genetically modified foods, chemically poisoned public water supplies and a medical system of treating only symptoms of disease with harmful, addictive and poisonous pharmaceuticals. 
This list is just the beginning, but it does highlight a few important points. When the dollar is devalued (not if), the American way of life will instantly change. Rising prices, food, medicine and fuel shortages will cause crime and violence to rise. A falling dollar value means imports slow or stop all together. As the dollar falls in value (while prices in key sectors rise), the economy will begin to slow, leading to higher employment. Unemployment and rising prices, especially for food, will cause higher crime rates. Being armed during this period of time is critical if you are to protect and keep what resources you may have accumulated. 

As the dollar is devalued, those on government assistance will need more money to buy the same goods - causing civil unrest among those depending on government funds for subsistence. At that time all American governments will be seen as a failure and their collapse will be forth coming. As traditional governments (states and some federal services) begin to fail, the USG will become embolden to continue the goal of destroying the American system of states and sovereign nation status. Troops, US and foreign, will begin to collect people suffering from economic collapse and financial ruin, placing them in ready-to-go FEMA camps situated around the country. The pretense will be to feed and care for people, but the truth will much different. The USG will require hungry, cold, sick and homeless people to turn in their guns and accept authoritarian rules before entering the camps. While in camps, it will become apparent to the occupants the USG is going bankrupt. Devalued dollars, taxpayers unable to pay, foreign nations demanding payments on loans will all be used as reasons why the expected support, food, medicine and care will dwindle. Life in the camps will become violent, leading to mass murder, starvation and forced labor. 

At this point the outlook is grim. Americans seemed to have the choice of accepting tyranny now, disarming and preparing for the coming collapse of the dollar, still leading to camps, mass murder, and the end of America. Or Americans can stand now, in a contrived civil war, and fight to keep their only means of self defense, knowing at the end of this bloody, tiring and demoralizing conflict, the traitorous former government of the United States will be waiting with troops both foreign and domestic to continue the assault until Americans defeat and rout the foreign United States or accept the tyranny after defeat. 

I think these two choices are valid, but only after a certain point in time. For now, Americans have a slim third possibility. We are still armed. We are still well fed and the dollar will still buy meals, medicines, and munitions; we still have power.
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. - US Constitution
The Militia is the real department of homeland security. The militia existed before the Constitution, and continues to this day. Able bodied men 18 to 45+ are already enrolled (if not yet notified) in the militia of their residing state, and each state has the responsibility to organize and make ready the men in their charge. Individual states have laws regarding age categories and the organization of the militia. State laws, and the Militia Act of 1792, require men to equip themselves with necessary combat supplies and firearms. The militia is vital part of the tools given to Americans to defend against enemies both foreign and domestic. 

Thomas Paine said “it is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” and the militia, created before the American Revolution and used during the Revolution, is what a patriot must learn about, rebuild, and organize again to protect his country from its government and foreign enemies (the United States).

What distinguishes the militia from the private agency armies and the military of the United States? 
  • The authority for militia is any threat to public safety. 
  • Those active in militia are usually not bound for a fixed term of service, or paid for it. 
  • Those active in militia cannot expect arms, supplies, or officers to be provided to them. 
  • No one has the authority to order militia to surrender, disarm, or disband. [emphasis added] [D] 
Each state has a militia, from there each county and local region have units and sub-divisions. Investigate your state’s militia, actively enroll and get the ball rolling. These are tools we have now and they cannot be taken away. It is important to understand the militia is not a privately organized small group of men roaming around in the backwoods. The militia is a state level and state organized (including counties) public army, operating without pay and having no allegiances other than to the Constitution, and with final authority in matters involving preservation of the American system. 
So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Get aggressive. The current system of American money is unconstitutional and also a fraud and scam and is used by the enemy to fund operations against Americans. It is possible to take some measures that will proactively cause the dollar to be less important, while taking away the power of the criminal banks existing as parasites on a stream of stolen wealth called interest payments. 

Slave Queen Silver Medallion
The mega-banks can be punished while moving toward a lawful monetary system. For example, if 1 million people would buy 100 ounces or more of silver now, 100 million ounces of silver worth approximately $3 billion at the current value of the dollar, the house of cards surrounding the price fixing of silver would begin to fall apart. One million people is not that many, but if only 60,000 people took a portion of their soon-to-be devalued paper dollar savings and turned it into silver now, it would have the same effect. $50,000 worth of silver at say $31/oz is, rounding off, about 1600 ounces of silver. So if 60,000 people with savings of $50,000 or more bought 1600 ounces of silver, the banking cartels criminal death grip on the American monetary system would begin to change. At that point those buying silver would have an asset that will not devalue as the dollar’s value cracks and collapses. 

As the banking system begins to feel the pressure of the silver price increase, caused by just 60,000 people (around the attendance of a NFL game) buying 1600 ounces of silver, those having silver could start spending it into the market. Rising silver prices will cause dollar devaluation and silver could be used to barter items instead of using devaluing dollars.

Remember, silver will not lose its purchasing power as the dollar devalues and the paper currency’s purchasing power approaches zero. The chain reaction of this action would bring about a cleansing as corrupt-to-the-core financial institutions began to crumble; their participation in decades of silver and gold price fraud and manipulation finally costing the banks instead of suckered investors. For my thoughts on rising silver prices and metals price suppression see

Staying proactive, contact your state legislators -- I visited mine in person -- get them up to speed on what's happening to their state and America. Download and print documents about states that are writing legislation to protect the second amendment. Remind your legislators you can vote with your feet and move! If you have to move (like people in NY, MD, NJ, CA and IL) then do it. There are states that will resist and that’s where you will be among like-minded, and armed, resisters in great numbers. 

Contact your local sheriff -- I did -- explain the situation and remind him that he’s the highest Constitutional law authority in the county. He has signed an oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the State and the United States Constitution and he has the power (and obligation) to keep so-called federal officials and agents out of the county. Buy your sheriff a copy of Richard Mack’s book, The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope and buy a few copies to pass out of Alex Jones’ videos such as Police State 4 and End Game.

Alert: yet another weapon has been re-discovered, built into the system, and available to be used now in the fight against the rogue USG. Jury Nullification is a concept dating back to the Magna Carta and has been used in the America many times when the legal system became corrupt and illegal laws were used to punish citizens. Fully informed jurists can declare the law illegal : 
The jury has a right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy. - Chief Justice John Jay, U.S. Supreme Court Georgia v Brailsford (3 Dallas 1, 1794) 
The pages of history shine on instances of the jury's exercise of its prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge; for example, acquittals under the fugitive slave law. - U.S. v Dougherty 473 F.2d 1113 at 1130 (1972) [E]
Thomas Jefferson stated : "I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution." It is possible, then, to turn back unconstitutional law using your right to declare the law illegal. 

Illegal Laws are NOT LEGAL and you are responsible and obligated to ignore them and arrest and prosecute anyone, uniformed or not, that tries to enforce illegal, unconstitutional law.
The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. 
No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it. [16 Am. Jur. 2d, Section 177; later 2d, Section 256]
So, when States like Maryland or New York enact laws that infringe on the right to "keep and bear arms" - you are responsible to NOT obey; furthermore, because these laws are void, anyone attempting to enforce the laws is a criminal and should be prosecuted. 

The meaning of void from Black’s Law Dictionary is : “Null; ineffectual; nugatory; having no legal force or binding effect; unable, in law, to support the purpose for which it was intended.”

Also be sure to use the remaining purchasing power of your dollars wisely, because soon they will be worth far less. Buy land, food, guns, ammo, silver, solar panels, education, etc. 

Learn a martial art -- coming situations may require confrontation and being prepared is the best policy.

Get together with your neighbors and help them prepare and make a neighborhood plan. 

The instigators are preparing to take charge of all states, all property, implements, food, farms, equipment, arms and claim the right of disposition of all people. (executive orders are already in place) 

So here’s the bottom line: being armed is the only threat against tyranny you have. Gun owners are the militia against the tyranny gathering at the gate. Regardless of your own interest, feelings or opinions about guns, the truth is: guns are a force field, a repelling barrier, an equalizer, a final last resort chance to remain free, alive and in charge of your own destiny. 

Remember, the instigators MUST have your permission to destroy this nation of states. You must provide the spark that lights the fire of their revolution. We have reached a singularity in time and history. This is a beginning and an end; for if free will is real, and if good can and should prevail, then now is the time to come together and take the Moral High Ground

Morally Americans must not use their arms until their is no other choice. We must not be baited into the false idea that being disarmed is American. When America is disarmed, America is gone, not just physically, but philosophically. Since 1776, Americans have experienced liberty and self-determination like no other nation in recorded history. But this freedom and self-determination has been predicated on the ability to defend against those that would enslave and determine our lives. The American experience has always tacitly depended on guns at the door. 

Abraham Lincoln said: 
Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide. - Lincoln’s Lyceum Address, January 27,1838
Again, Lincoln said, “All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years”. What were Lincoln’s assumptions when he made that statement? The assumption was Americans were ARMED and could not be attacked by FOREIGN enemies and fall because there were guns at every door.

Americans are being attacked now by a foreign enemy. A foreign occupying force has usurped our Federal Government and is now trying to destroy America from WITHIN. 

Lincoln said: “If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”

To win this battle, and it is indeed a great historic battle - an age old battle between good and evil -Americans cannot “die by suicide”. We must remain armed and remain informed. WE must support those that have the courage and understanding to remain armed and ready to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

But we must take the Moral High Ground, which means we will not be baited and instigated into a battle amongst ourselves. This is truly the OLDEST manipulation in the world. The Moral High Ground means we shoot last. 

The Moral High Ground demands we do NOT SURRENDER our arms. And, in order to keep the Moral High Ground, we stand up now and DECLARE to our leaders, statewide and in the Congress of the usurper Federal Government: we are Constitutionally the Sovereign and the government is a LIMITED representative of the people and WE the PEOPLE will not give up our right to self defense. 

When we have stated that we DO NOT CONSENT to being disarmed and we have stood silent without firing on ourselves. Then, if it must be, with the MORAL HIGH GROUND, we can stand and fight united AGAINST the foreign usurper enemy. 

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! - Mel Gibson as William Wallace, Braveheart

* quotes from “The Art of War” :

[A] "The Two United States and the Law"

[B] Source taken from :

[C] Gary Allen, “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”,Buccaneer Books, New York, 1971,pg 59,58 ISBN:0899666612

[D] Militia :

[E] Jury Nullification :

[F] Massive Military Training in Many States:





[5] Port Arthur False Flag; Sandy Hook False Flag :; Dunblane False Flag :




Jack Mullen has been a businessman for more than 25 years, owning 3 radio stations, several technology based companies and a resource development company

Read other articles by Jack Mullen Here


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Thursday, November 21, 2013



Product Description

Based on an extensive collection of primary source materials, including internal records of the Muslim Brotherhood, startling first-person accounts and chilling and exclusive undercover audio and video of these groups behind closed doors. This investigative film lays bare the history and secret structure of this subversive menace behind the public mask.

“God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great; God is great.”

This is the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in Egypt as a vehicle to establish a worldwide Islamic empire governed by Shariah law.

The Brotherhood has transformed Islam into a political agenda, and this mix of religion and politics has become known as Islamism. Since its founding in 1928, the Brotherhood has established a presence in more than 70 countries, and countless organizations worldwide have adopted its strategy and goals.

Today, organizations created by or inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood enjoy considerable influence within the United States. The government, media and law enforcement often turn to these organizations when they want the pulse of the American Muslim community. But critics – Muslim and non-Muslim alike – say that engaging these organizations poses a danger.

According to these critics, although members of these organizations might appear to be moderate, they support an interpretation of Islam that is at odds with democracy and human rights as they are commonly understood in the Western world. Engaging these organizations bestows an undeserved legitimacy upon them and makes it easier for them to advance their secretive agenda.

The 70-minute film by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), traces the roots of Islamism inside the United States. This film examines the extent of Islamist influence within our country and highlights the danger that Islamist influence poses for all Americans.

Jihad in America: The Grand Deception covers:

· The long and violent history of the Muslim Brotherhood, timelined through rare and exclusive footage and audio.

· The uncovering of “smoking gun” documents that roadmap eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.

· Examples of the sabotage of American civilization, including media supremacy, political camouflage and language manipulation.

· A high-profile, cautionary tale of a self-proclaimed “moderate” spokesman for Muslim Americans with secret ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and al-Quaida.

· The true radical political and ideological agenda of CAIR, cloaked as America’s largest Muslim civil liberties organization, brought into the light of day.

· The ideological war between those who choose to use words and those who censor them, and the radical consequences when words win.

The documentary includes interviews with FBI agents, federal prosecutors and Muslim experts on radical Islam. Watch undercover video and listen to audio of secret Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood meetings and internal Muslim Brotherhood documents seized by the FBI. Listen to what these front groups are saying in their speeches and conferences behind closed doors, and witness a former member renounce his affiliation with radical Islam for the first time on camera. Rep. Frank Wolf calls the film "the most shocking and important documentary I have ever seen in my life." It is a threat that is right in front of us – just below the surface and hidden in plain sight.

Customer Reviews


“You need to watch to understand Ikhwan, the Muslim Brotherhood and learn their dirty plans to rule the west and control democracy …” – Sherif Osman

“This video provides an excellent education for Americans, who generally can't believe someone would do these things deliberately.” – Keith Davis

“I wish every person could watch this, I have given it to my pastor as we are currently in the process of protesting the building of yet another supermosque in our neighbourhood and we know that the result of that is the degradation of the value of the housing, the intimidation and the implementation of shari'a laws. Highly recommended.” – Gerredina Kovac

“This is an excellent view of radical Islam in the U.S. and is well documented. Steve Emerson and his team have done what others refuse to do, talk about radical Islam and how it is effecting the U.S. This is a documentary that should be in every law enforcement agency in America.” – Steven Stanley

“You cannot watch this without realizing there is a Jihad plan in America. Steve Emerson has investigated this subject in a remarkable way! He uses "their own words" on video to show the plan they have against the United States. What they say is so insightful. I have seen many videos like this, and this one is the best; the DVD is brilliantly done.” – ElliottJFM, Pittsburgh, Pa.

About the Director

Steve Emerson is the executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, one of the world's largest storehouses of archival data and intelligence on Islamic and Middle Eastern terrorist groups. Emerson and his staff have been quoted or profiled in hundreds of newspaper and television stories since 9/11 and frequently provide briefings to U.S. government and law enforcement agencies, members of Congress and congressional committees. Emerson has testified before and briefed Congress dozens of times on terrorist financing and operational networks of al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the worldwide Islamic militant spectrum.

Emerson is the author or co-author of six books on terrorism and national security.

Product Details

Run Time: 70 minutes

NOTE: Purchasing "Jihad in America: The Grand Deception (DVD)" from WND's online store also qualifies you to receive three FREE issues of WND's acclaimed monthly print magazine, Whistleblower. Watch for the FREE offer during checkout.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


U.S. Treasury Warns of What’s to Come: “Catastrophic Effect… Could Last for More Than a Generation”


The next time someone tells you that the US government is operating in a fiscally sustainable manner and that our economy is growing strongly point them to the latest report from the U.S. Treasury Department.

According to the new report released yesterday all of our worst fears may soon be realized should the United States default on its obligations to creditors, employees, and recipients of state-sponsored benefits.

The report details the consequences of Congress failing to raise the debt ceiling so that the government can borrow more money. The political impasse will likely be resolved in the 11th hour just as it has been during prior showdowns. But, the report has much broader implications.

This is nothing short of an official admission and confirmation of the decades’ long woeful mismanagement of U.S. economic, fiscal and monetary policy.

Here’s what you can expect to happen on that fateful day when our government is no longer extended the credit it needs to cover its trillion dollar commitments:

“In the event that a debt limit impasse were to lead to a default, it could have a catastrophic effect on not just financial markets but also on job creation, consumer spending and economic growth,” the report said.

Credit markets could freeze, the value of the dollar could plummet, US interest rates could skyrocket, the negative spillovers could reverberate around the world, and there might be a financial crisis and recession that could echo the events of 2008 or worse.

“Considering the experience of countries around the world that have defaulted on their debt, not only might the economic consequences of default be profound, but those consequences, including high interest rates, reduced investment, higher debt payments, and slow economic growth, could last for more than a generation,” the report states.

Via: Yahoo and HuffPost

While all the political hoopla in Congress will eventually lead to an agreement on raising the debt ceiling, the fact is that we are very quickly approaching our limit as a nation.

At some point our creditors are going to pull the plug. They understand that the $200 trillion in obligations we have will never be met. Countries like Russia, China, and even the private central banking conglomerates are positioning their chess pieces right now for when this day comes.

The end result is going to widespread financial and economy destruction, a meltdown of the U.S. dollar, and a collapse of our very way of life as tens of millions of Americans will be instantly impoverished.

Economic analyst John Williams has warned that when it does finally happen, we can fully expect disruptions to our food supplies and the normal flow of commerce.

Without the U.S. dollar as a viable mechanism of exchange, such a  scenario could very quickly lead to civil unrest, violence, and widespread looting. While most Americans may deny that the possibility exists, it’s exactly the scenario that U.S. Homeland Security experts and the Pentagon have been simulating for years.

The U.S. Treasury Department has confirmed it can happen. The military and DHS are actively war-gaming contingency plans and stockpiling ammunition, recruiting soldiers for interment operations, and arming up local police forces. Furthermore, governments around the world are training for it.

Take their lead, and do the same on an individual level by developing your own long-term preparedness plan. Set aside food in case it is no longer available at grocery stores. Save some gold and silver to utilize as a mechanism of exchange should the dollar crash. Learn to use a firearm and have ammunition on hand to defend yourself when the masses start fighting for whatever resources remain.

While the timing of the Treasury Department’s report is designed to instill fear in the American public, understand that raising the debt ceiling will do absolutely nothing to resolve the underlying issues we face and the consequences that will eventually be realized.

WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION: Federal government salary ploy

Establishment Proposes: “Have the Government Give Every Adult a Basic Income”

With government intervention now becoming the only viable solution being touted for everything from individual health care and the economy to our personal safety and how we educate our children, it would only make sense that officials in Washington also figure out a way to use their power of confiscation and redistribution to equalize the income playing field.

It’s no secret that 48 million Americans require nutritional assistance just to put food on the table, or that over 100 million of us are living in or at the very edge of poverty, or that nearly one in three of us is currently without any meaningful labor.

This is a major problem, and if we stay on our current trajectory those numbers are going to continue to rise. The American people are broke, and so are the businesses that employ them, which means that we’ll continue to shed jobs, decrease wages and further impoverish an already dwindling middle class.

Enter the idea of a Universal Basic Income, to be distributed by the Federal government on a monthly basis to every adult in America.

You read that right.

It’s a proposal being floated by members of the establishment media at The Atlantic, the New York Times, and Business Insider, and based on their research, would put a decisive end to poverty and income inequality in America.


According to the “experts,” this is how it would work:

A simple idea for eliminating poverty is garnering greater attention in recent weeks: automatically have the government give every adult a basic income.

It’s exactly how it sounds. The government would mail every American over the age of 21 a check each month. That’s it. Everyone is free to do what they like with it.

Giving each working-age American a basic income equal to the poverty line would cost $2.14 trillion. For some comparison, U.S. GDP was almost $16 trillion in 2012 and the defense budget was $700 billion.

But a minimum income would also allow us to eliminate every government benefit as well. Get rid of SNAP, TANF, housing vouchers, the Earned Income tax credit and many others.

The clear [benefit] is that no American would live below the poverty line. The U.S. has been waging the War on Poverty for a generation now and still nearly 50 million Americans are below the line. This would end that war with a decisive victory.

First, the assumption being made here is that when you send every person in America a paycheck, they will then use that money to purchase food and the basic essentials they need for survival. They wouldn’t spend that money on new smart phones, or vacations, or home upgrades, or any of that stuff that drove our consumer-based society into a mountain of debt to begin with. Once the government starts doling out the checks, everyone is going to be responsible with their newly found wealth and use it on the things they really need.

Second, injecting $2.1 trillion dollars of cash into the U.S. economy on a yearly basis is only going to be positive for the consumer, right? Are we to assume that when more money is chasing the same amount of goods that the price of those goods will remain the same? That there will be no direct inflationary impact as consumers race to spend their monthly stipend on goods they couldn’t have bought before? Prices are already rising at a rate of nearly 10% a year. What do you think will happen when two trillion new dollars are introduced into the economy on an annual basis?

Third, and probably the most important aspect of all this is how, exactly, are we going to fund this?

To spread the wealth around we have one of two choices.

We can either increase taxes on working Americans to offset the payments going to those who make less than them, or we can borrow it from our creditors by raising our debt ceiling an additional $2.1 trillion on a yearly basis (on top of the existing increase requirements).

Raising taxes isn’t going to work simply because those who generate an income in this country just had their financial futures destroyed by the Patient Affordable Care Act, which promises to triple their monthly mandated health payments. They’ve got nothin’ left after mortgage, car payment, food, utilities and forced health insurance at the barrel of a gun.

Printing money, we suppose will work. For a short while, at least, until our foreign creditors realize there is absolutely no way our country can pay back the trillions of dollars we’re adding to our balance on a yearly basis.

Thus, in the end, we either go broke through taxation, rendering all of us to living on the edge of poverty or below it, or, the Federal Reserve will be forced to make up the difference by printing trillions upon trillions of dollars that will have the effect of rising prices for goods that people will no longer be able to afford, like food, electricity, and other essentials.

Both options lead to essentially the same result.

Margaret Thatcher once warned that socialism only works until you run out of other peoples’ money

We’re just about out.

Take a guess what happens next.

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Historical Parallels between Progressivism, Nazism, Fascism & Marxism are not Accidental

Progressives, I suggest, have three main characteristics.  They see themselves as morally superior and feel it is their duty [read opportunity] to tell others what they should do.  They are experts at lying.  And finally, they use the government to force their views on others.  All of these characteristics are readily apparent in the Obamacare spectacular.

At the root of progressivism is the belief that they alone know the best path for mankind, and they see themselves as morally superior and intellectually gifted.  They believe ordinary people are not capable of running their own lives and that the progressive's job is similar to the "white man's burden" of the nineteenth century, the responsibility of the anointed to tell the rest of us what to do

gty_eric_holder_obama_thg_120620_wgProgressives are dangerous because they will do anything and follow anyone in order to achieve their morally superior and intellectually advanced view of the world.  They will even follow a Pied Piper like Obama if he parrots their views.  Look at who Obama is.  Jack Wheeler, a Reagan advisor, describes Obama as the racist neophyte who appears from nowhere and absolves his followers for their sin of being white. Jack Wheeler, To the Point, 5 June, 2008.  Obama is a religious figure who conceals his own Marxist views and poses as the friend of progressives, overwhelming them with his potential for promoting their causes.  They worship him no matter what his faults may be.  Demagogues like Obama often turn to the left, for it is easy to co-opt true believers.

In addition to being morally superior, progressives are always willing to lie.  No one can forget "You can keep your doctor.  Period. You can keep your present health insurance.  Period," repeatedly stated by Obama and dozens of Democratic lawmakers over a period of months, even when they knew that millions would be separated from their doctors and removed from their existing insurance policies.  Lying is permissible, even favored, because it works and because otherwise the "greater good" might not be realized.

Obamacare, when push comes to shove, is a plan to provide health insurance for the poor by loading an impossible cost in premiums and taxes on the population as a whole.  But if progressives were to say that, Obamacare would never have been enacted.  So they never admitted what Obamacare is, and even now that Obamacare is revealed as a Marxist wealth redistribution plan for the poor, when progressives attempt to justify it, they leave out the costs, which is another form of lying. They don't mention that Obamacare will change the way doctors practice medicine, patients receive treatment, and the impact on thousands of businesses related to the delivery of health care.  That Obamacare may not work and leave major wreckage in its path is a matter of little concern for progressives.  That Obama and Congress exempt themselves from Obamacare is an unimportant detail.

Progressives correctly perceive that the vehicle for their morally superior outlook is government. How else but through the coercive power of government could they force the entire population to do something it does not want to do? Angelo Codevilla puts it this way:

"[O]ur Ruling Class' first priority in any and all matters, its solution to any and all problems, is to increase the power of government – meaning of those who run it, meaning themselves.  Secondly it is to recompense political supporters with public money, privileged job, contracts, etc."


As Codevilla points out, progressives always pay off those who cooperate.  In the case of Obamacare, deals were made with hospitals, insurance companies, and drug manufacturers.  Hospitals would make more money by being able to consolidate and control massive delivery systems run by their bureaucrats. Doctors would be employees of the hospitals (not in private practice) taking direction from some guy with an MBA.  The insurance companies got a massive influx of new business – 30 million new customers – paid for by covert taxes and increases in everyone's health care premiums.  Drug companies simply got the agreement that Obamacare would not utilize cheap drugs from Canada.  How's that for paying off your supporters?  

However, it's not just businesses who are paid off.  Progressive hangers-on who are given power and government jobs, dumb-down their own ranks at the same time they are corrupting the federal bureaucracy.  Think, for example, of Obama's friend Eric Holder, who is now the subject of impeachment legislation and who has been held in contempt by the Congress.  He has been described as the most incompetent Attorney General in the history of the country.  Think of one of Obama's closest advisors, Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago politico whose experience in national government is zero and whose most noteworthy contribution to date is to explain that Obama seems distant because he is bored.  Remember that Obama has had five years to fill the federal bureaucracy with tens of thousands of people just like Holder and Jarrett.

Many progressives are well-meaning people.  Others are not.  However, all progressives share the conviction that they will do whatever it takes – they will trample on any rights, destroy any traditions, confiscate any property, redistribute any wealth – in the service of their quasi-religious vision, whatever it may be at the time.  Even if they came to believe that Obama is the racist Marxist that he is, determined to undermine the white establishment and transform the country into a Marxist Mecca, progressives would not care, for whatever he is, whatever his secret reasons or goals, he supports their morally superior ideas.  For them, the good outweighs the bad.  You can't make an omelet or reshape a society, without breaking eggs, but progressives always turn away from the eggs they have broken.

The historical parallels between progressivism, Nazism, fascism, and Marxism, as practiced by Stalin, are not accidental.

Don't forget to Like Freedom Outpost on Facebook and Google Plus

About William Lafferty
William Lafferty is a retired lawyer. He retired from the position of staff attorney for the Pennsylvania supreme court. He also worked as a part-time instructor at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin and a j.d. degree from Duquesne University. He is also a writer of novels which you can find at his site.


Historical Parallels between Progressivism, Nazism, Fascism & Marxism are not Accidental

Progressives, I suggest, have three main characteristics.  They see themselves as morally superior and feel it is their duty [read opportunity] to tell others what they should do.  They are experts at lying.  And finally, they use the government to force their views on others.  All of these characteristics are readily apparent in the Obamacare spectacular.

At the root of progressivism is the belief that they alone know the best path for mankind, and they see themselves as morally superior and intellectually gifted.  They believe ordinary people are not capable of running their own lives and that the progressive's job is similar to the "white man's burden" of the nineteenth century, the responsibility of the anointed to tell the rest of us what to do

gty_eric_holder_obama_thg_120620_wgProgressives are dangerous because they will do anything and follow anyone in order to achieve their morally superior and intellectually advanced view of the world.  They will even follow a Pied Piper like Obama if he parrots their views.  Look at who Obama is.  Jack Wheeler, a Reagan advisor, describes Obama as the racist neophyte who appears from nowhere and absolves his followers for their sin of being white. Jack Wheeler, To the Point, 5 June, 2008.  Obama is a religious figure who conceals his own Marxist views and poses as the friend of progressives, overwhelming them with his potential for promoting their causes.  They worship him no matter what his faults may be.  Demagogues like Obama often turn to the left, for it is easy to co-opt true believers.

In addition to being morally superior, progressives are always willing to lie.  No one can forget "You can keep your doctor.  Period. You can keep your present health insurance.  Period," repeatedly stated by Obama and dozens of Democratic lawmakers over a period of months, even when they knew that millions would be separated from their doctors and removed from their existing insurance policies.  Lying is permissible, even favored, because it works and because otherwise the "greater good" might not be realized.

Obamacare, when push comes to shove, is a plan to provide health insurance for the poor by loading an impossible cost in premiums and taxes on the population as a whole.  But if progressives were to say that, Obamacare would never have been enacted.  So they never admitted what Obamacare is, and even now that Obamacare is revealed as a Marxist wealth redistribution plan for the poor, when progressives attempt to justify it, they leave out the costs, which is another form of lying. They don't mention that Obamacare will change the way doctors practice medicine, patients receive treatment, and the impact on thousands of businesses related to the delivery of health care.  That Obamacare may not work and leave major wreckage in its path is a matter of little concern for progressives.  That Obama and Congress exempt themselves from Obamacare is an unimportant detail.

Progressives correctly perceive that the vehicle for their morally superior outlook is government. How else but through the coercive power of government could they force the entire population to do something it does not want to do? Angelo Codevilla puts it this way:

"[O]ur Ruling Class' first priority in any and all matters, its solution to any and all problems, is to increase the power of government – meaning of those who run it, meaning themselves.  Secondly it is to recompense political supporters with public money, privileged job, contracts, etc."


As Codevilla points out, progressives always pay off those who cooperate.  In the case of Obamacare, deals were made with hospitals, insurance companies, and drug manufacturers.  Hospitals would make more money by being able to consolidate and control massive delivery systems run by their bureaucrats. Doctors would be employees of the hospitals (not in private practice) taking direction from some guy with an MBA.  The insurance companies got a massive influx of new business – 30 million new customers – paid for by covert taxes and increases in everyone's health care premiums.  Drug companies simply got the agreement that Obamacare would not utilize cheap drugs from Canada.  How's that for paying off your supporters?  

However, it's not just businesses who are paid off.  Progressive hangers-on who are given power and government jobs, dumb-down their own ranks at the same time they are corrupting the federal bureaucracy.  Think, for example, of Obama's friend Eric Holder, who is now the subject of impeachment legislation and who has been held in contempt by the Congress.  He has been described as the most incompetent Attorney General in the history of the country.  Think of one of Obama's closest advisors, Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago politico whose experience in national government is zero and whose most noteworthy contribution to date is to explain that Obama seems distant because he is bored.  Remember that Obama has had five years to fill the federal bureaucracy with tens of thousands of people just like Holder and Jarrett.

Many progressives are well-meaning people.  Others are not.  However, all progressives share the conviction that they will do whatever it takes – they will trample on any rights, destroy any traditions, confiscate any property, redistribute any wealth – in the service of their quasi-religious vision, whatever it may be at the time.  Even if they came to believe that Obama is the racist Marxist that he is, determined to undermine the white establishment and transform the country into a Marxist Mecca, progressives would not care, for whatever he is, whatever his secret reasons or goals, he supports their morally superior ideas.  For them, the good outweighs the bad.  You can't make an omelet or reshape a society, without breaking eggs, but progressives always turn away from the eggs they have broken.

The historical parallels between progressivism, Nazism, fascism, and Marxism, as practiced by Stalin, are not accidental.

Don't forget to Like Freedom Outpost on Facebook and Google Plus

About William Lafferty
William Lafferty is a retired lawyer. He retired from the position of staff attorney for the Pennsylvania supreme court. He also worked as a part-time instructor at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin and a j.d. degree from Duquesne University. He is also a writer of novels which you can find at his site.