Friday, June 13, 2014

SEE FACTO AMNESTY: Obama’s Red State Revenge

Obama’s Red State Revenge



Barack Obama has a lot of qualities that make him a terrible leader. He is narcissistic on an unimaginable scale. Dr. Gina Loudon, a psychologist, has even questioned Obama’s sanity.

Obama has another quality of narcissists and dictators. He does not like to be questioned or challenged. He expects everyone to simply follow his lead. When someone doesn’t agree with him, he immediately becomes petulant and spiteful.

Barack Obama is taking his wrath out on red states that dared to challenge him. This time, not only is he punishing the red states, he is endangering Americans. But Obama doesn’t care. After all, narcissists only care about themselves. 

What is Obama doing?

Barack Obama continues to push Amnesty through the “Dream” Act. Obama is being aided and abetted by Republicans like House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

These two remain clueless to the principle of basic economics. That is if you offer an incentive, people will take it. In this case, the government has created at least the perception of an Amnesty incentive. Underage illegal aliens are coming to America. They believe that if they get to America, they will not be deported and will receive benefits.

The Obama Regime is doing nothing to dissuade them from this perception.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are moving north. Many of these are children under the age of 18. Many of them are teenage parents.

What is the Obama Regime doing? Is it deporting these illegal aliens? The Regime isn’t even deporting criminal illegal aliens. No, the Regime is dumping them. The Obama Regime, instead of calling the Embassies of the nations these children come from and arranging for their repatriation, is instead trying to find their family members in the United States for “reunification.”

The Regime is sending these children to Texas, Arizona and Oklahoma. 

What do those three states have in common?

They are red states.

Obama is acting like the Imperial President he believes he is and is simply sending them there, without any notice to the states or to the Congress.

Many of these children are simply being warehoused because there are no facilities for them. In Arizona, the state’s social service agencies are scrambling to find basic supplies such as diapers for babies. 

With these children comes something that not only threatens those states, but also threatens all Americans.

Experts are warning these children and other illegal aliens are bringing diseases with them that have been mostly wiped out in the United States. These diseases are referred to as “infectious diseases” because they are communicable.

So far, as many as 48,000 illegal alien minors who crossed the border alone have been dumped in Arizona. That would be a sellout crowd at Fenway Park in Boston. And that is just in Arizona. Other illegal alien children are being housed at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas and at Fort Sill in Oklahoma. 

This is only a taste of what the future brings as Obama tries to create de facto Amnesty. The Regime is allowing 550,000 illegal aliens with no education to remain in the United States for two more years. The Regime is also rolling back the meager anti-fraud provisions of the rules so anyone can simply lie to the Regime and get status.

The ultimate strategy here is a long-term strategy. If hundreds of thousands of children cross the border, they will never be deported and within a few years will be processed for citizenship. Then they will vote Democrat, turning both Arizona and Texas blue. Democrats know that if they do that, it is mathematically impossible for a Republican to ever win the Presidency again.

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