Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Devaluing Life, The Excuse For Murder

EDITORIAL: Why are we experiencing murders on the scale of an epic plague, lives being eradicated like fleas or mosquitoes? When life is devalued and marginalize by cavalier offering of fetal murder as a categorical means of birth control to desperate people who tend to do desperate things, the next phase is rampant, unfettered massacres and hideous abuses of men, women and children as convenience or even sport.  This is a phenomenon reported daily by the media, with no ensuing outrage, dismissed as somebody else's problem. What is reported is only a tiny representation of what goes on across this great nation on a moment by moment basis. For ratings sake, we are spared the breadth of the horror because it is so despicable and truly unbearable . Does this alarm you? Life is precious, beginning at the moment of conception, stamped by the unique DNA present in ever human zygote. Life is endowed by God and protected by our Constitution as contracted in the Bill of Rights, an unalienable guarantee, nonnegotiable. When we champion the value of every life, especially the lives of the most vulnerable and guiltless, we model this to an onlooking world.  In the meantime, while we work and play, we are unaware that our impressionable children are daily mentored as a captive audience in public school systems where educators are mandated to teach a philosophy that promotes "save the polar bear" while teaching that killing babies in the supposed safety of the womb is an acceptable, politically correct means of birth control, taught as fact with no ideological argument. Is there any wonder that society, youth in particular, has become immune? Until we choose to dramatically change course in our mindset that the weakest are expendable by default, murder will continue to be a senseless entertainment source similar to other barbaric societies. We create a culture that will increasingly be apathetic toward the horrors with which we are inundated and will continue to deny the truth of America's ethical missteps. Guns or mental illness will be the whipping boy for a guilty society hiding behind a philosophy that promotes that "no boundaries" equals love. History will not look kindly on the holocaust that we, allegedly educated Americans, are perpetrating. We are predators of the most egregious sort. If this is an example of American education, our future is in jeopardy. "What one generation permits in moderation will be taken to excess in the next generation." We are seeing this played out before our very eyes with forced tax payer funding of a procedure that goes against every moral fiber of clear thinking humanity. My grief has overcome me and has spilled out onto this page as I increasingly feel complicit in the nightmare playing out on the stage of my beloved country. May we, as a nation, awaken from a self imposed stupor and acknowledge that mob violence, murder of innocent babies, children kept in cages, young girls kidnapped and held as sex slaves, beheadings, mutilations, sexual abuse, incest, child pornography, suicides and so much more that space prohibits, is not civilization. It is savagery. If this is offensive to you, my grief is compounded, but I can no longer stand by and watch, helplessly, with nothing more than a silent scream. It is not freedom when there is no safe place on earth, not even the womb. May God help us!

(JGR, May 14, 2014)

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