Sunday, February 19, 2017

Analyst: Feminists 'useful idiots' in coalition with Islamists

Analyst: Feminists 'useful idiots' in coalition with Islamists

'They have a common enemy that they hate much more and that is President Trump'


ACT! For America founder Brigitte Gabriel

ACT! For America founder Brigitte Gabriel

Liberal feminists and Islamists don’t have a lot in common but they are now strong partners in the fight against President Trump.

A leading terrorism analyst, however, warns that feminists are nothing but “useful idiots” in a movement that would truly oppress them if the Islamists achieve their goals.

“What’s happening in the West is we think if we just show them how much we love them and how much we respect their way of life, they’re going to respect our way of life. This way, I do what I want, you do what we want and we live happily ever after,” said Brigitte Gabriel, president of Act for America and author of “They Must Be Stopped.”

The teamwork was on full display at the women’s march in Washington on Jan. 21. Most of the headlines focused on women proclaiming their right to abortions, but Linda Sarsour, the woman leading the protest, has a very different history of activism.

“She’s an Islamist through and through. She wears the hijab. She comes from a Palestinian background. Half her family members are in Israeli jails involved in terrorism,” said Gabriel.

Gabriel says it’s mind-boggling to watch liberal American women march under the banner of a woman who has no problem with how Muslim society treats women.

“She praises Saudi Arabia and their Shariah law. This is a nation state where women cannot drive. They are beaten. They are stoned. They are flogged for having relations with another man or even seen with another man who is even a distant relative,” said Gabriel.

“ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam” is veteran investigative reporter Erick Stakelbeck’s story of the true motivations, inner workings and future plans the new caliphate

And it’s not just in Saudi Arabia. Gabriel says even the most moderate Islamic nations do not come anywhere close to the freedoms women enjoy in the West. She says her home nation of Lebanon, which has shifted dramatically from Christian to Muslim in recent decades, is suffering from the demographic shift.

“I know a 29-year-old Christian businesswoman from my hometown. The social police showed up at her door, took her for investigation and arrested her simply because she had a meeting with another man who is not related to her outside of her home without the supervision of her parents. They are enforcing these rules on Christian families, not only Muslim families,” said Gabriel.

Hear the interview:

“I’m not talking about Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh. You assume things like this happen in these types of countries. But to think that even in a country like Lebanon, that something like this can happen to a Christian woman, that goes to show you the oppression of women in Islamic-controlled countries,” said Gabriel.

So how did Islamic activists win over the feminists as allies? Gabriel says Sarsour was very clever.

“Somehow, she found a way to appeal to the feminist movement inside the United States saying, ‘We’re all women together here. We all are oppressed.’ She is basically using the emotions to try to lure them into coming with her and standing [against] President Trump. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and that’s where they are right now,” said Gabriel.

And despite the glaring differences in the goals of the two movements, Gabriel says this alliance will likely continue for some time.

“I think it’s going to be a very long-term working relationship between the both of them because they have a common enemy that they hate much more and that is President Trump. They hate that much more than they hate their differences,” said Gabriel.

Sarsour is already cashing in on the alliance by getting groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Human Right Campaign to write big checks in support of the march.

“We are already seeing how leftist organizations are not only standing with her and the Islamist movement in the United States to oppose Trump, but they are actually funding her movement. So now we are seeing the left and the Islamists coming together, not only working together but exchanging money,” said Gabriel.

According to Gabriel, the feminist groups know very little about the long-term goals of Sarsour and her Islamist allies.

“We shouldn’t be surprised. What people like Linda Sarsour are doing are basically following to the letter the instructions of the Muslim Brotherhood and their plan, which later became known as ‘The Project,’ on how to work within Western nations in order to recruit like-minded people who share similar goals,” said Gabriel.

And it’s not just liberal women’s groups aligning with Islamists. Gabriel says it’s happening more and more with the liberals seemingly oblivious to what their lives would be like if people like Sarsour get their way. One example is the ACLU working hand-in-hand with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR.

“You scratch your head and you think to yourself, ‘How can these two people have anything in common?’ But the ACLU, just like the feminists in this country are being used as useful idiots at the hands of Islamists like Linda Sarsour who have an end goal. They are using them simply to get to that goal,” said Gabriel.

In recent weeks, female politicians in Sweden made headlines in two very different ways. First, they mocked President Trump’s signing of a pro-life executive order while surrounded by mostly men with a picture of an all-female signing ceremony. Yet, just days later, female Swedish politicians wore hijabs without protest while visiting Iran.

Gabriel says Swedish leaders, of all people, ought to know the price of Islamic appeasement.

“Because of the immigration of majorities from Islamic nations, how they are treating feminists. In Germany, for example, look at the rapes on New Year’s Eve. Look at the rapes in Sweden. Sweden has become the rape capital of the world,” said Gabriel.

Gabriel says Western nations are also eroding their own interests by allowing Muslim Shariah law to hold sway in formal court proceedings. Her organization is doing something about it.

“We at Act for America have introduced bills across the country called ‘American Laws for American Courts,’ which says no foreign law, which includes Shariah law, will be allowed to be used in any American courtroom. Only the Constitution should be the highest authority in the land,” said Gabriel.

She says it’s happening in the United States a lot more often than many people realize.

“People wonder sometimes why we have to pass such a law. We have documented over 140 cases in America where Shariah law was used instead of the Constitution of the United States in 22 states in American courtrooms,” said Gabriel.

More information on the “American Laws for American Courts” effort can be found at

“ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam” is veteran investigative reporter Erick Stakelbeck’s story of the true motivations, inner workings and future plans the new caliphate

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