Saturday, August 22, 2015




By Irene F. Starkehaus - 

Pro-aborts define the parameters of the debate on abortion in the most clinical, antiseptic ways possible so that the only concerns worthy of discussion with regard to abortion laws are framed within the context of women's healthcare access. Under the terms of this accord, politicians may not broach the subject of abortion outside pro-abortion's imposed strictures. They can't actually talk about what abortions do to mother and child, and that's – I guess – just A-Okay with them because the more emotionally removed they can be from what abortion actually is; the more theoretical and erudite and rational they can seem to the voting public while pontificating on the fairytale of free breast cancer screenings, the better off they will be when its reelection time.

With regard to the abortion crisis that's been ongoing in the US since the early 1970s, the goal of many people from both sides of the issue is to carry acceptable jargon (as defined by pro-aborts) for one's political allies using only the most media savvy, leading edge terminology as if abortion language is a mere football to be spiked in the end zone when one's team scores a political point and gains advantage.

With the abortion issue devoid of emotion thus obfuscating the inhumanity that state funded murder imposes on its citizenry, social conservatives reluctantly consider politicians like pro-choice Bruce Rauner along with his wife Diana as the cross that must be borne if Illinois wants to get its economy back in order.

Sterile as the abortion debate has become, this deal with the devil appears almost supportable to the untrained eye. Conservatives now busy themselves imagining a state with lower taxes and strong economic growth because they can't get traction on the watered down social issues, and this is because they are told that to talk about abortion is to appear radical. When one detaches from the horror that abortion ought to evoke in a healthy, intact psyche, it's apparently easier to say, "We'll get our financial house in order first and deal with the social issues later."

Ah…but we have a game changer now – and "game" is the accurate description of what the political dialog of abortion has become. The whistleblower videos that Holly O'Donnell and the Center for Medical Progress have produced regarding Planned Parenthood's designer abortions – tailored with the harvesting human fetal tissue in mind – mean that social conservatives can no longer delude themselves by thinking that Planned Parenthood is in the business of "mostly mammograms with an occasional abortion thrown in for emergency purposes only."

There's a wanton bloodlust on display throughout the CMP exposé that is truly jarring. I believe that John Kass – working this week with Dan Proft on AM 560's Morning Show – said it best. And regardless of how old-fashioned it sounds to the zero population brigades who hard sell abortions and miseducate women as if abortions were nothing more than cosmetic samples at Macy's, Kass makes the truest statement I have heard on the subject of Planned Parenthood in decades. "May God have mercy on their souls."

Yes. That's exactly right. What is happening under the guise of taxpayer funded, women's healthcare is fiercely depraved and asking for God's mercy is actually appropriate under the circumstances. Well stated, Mr. Kass.

Is it human sacrifice to the Mayan sun-god or human sacrifice to the Left's increasingly false god of science (who we are frequently reminded is infallible) – either way, it's all the same. And this might suggest to us that the human race has simply come full circle in its delusional behaviors. Would that it were the last time we must learn this awful lesson.

Sadly, it won't be. We never learn. Be it the enslavement of African Americans prior to the Civil War, the internment and extermination of European Jews in which madmen such as Josef Mengele performed heinous experiments in the name of science, the Katyn Massacre of Polish nationals by Josef Stalin or the harvesting of children for profit by Planned Parenthood, the cruelty of those with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement never seems to go out of style.

Representatives like Bruce Rauner would perhaps like to gloss over the need for a thorough examination of Planned Parenthood's profit motive for expedience's sake. Maybe they will suggest that it's a poor use of the state's limited resources. And, after all, we wouldn't want to be seen as infringing upon Planned Parenthood's mythological mammogram programs, would we? Think of the optics in the upcoming election cycle if feminists start launching on so-called misogynist Republicans again.

The wheeling and dealing over the human chattel of unborn infants can be too readily ignored by the fence sitting social moderates who would rather turn a blind eye than rock the fable of women's health services. But to ignore this event as nothing remarkable is a travesty. We cannot pretend that nothing's amiss and we cannot continue to remain silent out of fear that we will be labeled intolerant or anti-woman.

You know, it's interesting how conservatives throughout the ages adapt to outrages like those occurring at Planned Parenthood when we are told we have no say in the matter. But adapt, we do.

For my own part, even though I occasionally have to travel through the City of Aurora here in Illinois, I find that I avoid New York Street when I can. I do so specifically because that is where one of the nation's largest abortion mills is located and to see it is to force me to revisit what happens there. I can't stand being anywhere near that intersection.

When I am forced to pass by New York and Eola, I invariably get stuck at the light.  I start to feel physically ill knowing that just yards away, human infants are being mutilated and dismembered and mothers are being made complicit in that genocide. I am then duty-bound to bow my head and pray for the souls of the unborn that are being brutalized in that facility hoping that it makes a difference.

And it's right next to a shopping center which irritates me to no end…it's a wonder that anyone can focus on the idea of shopping when the Planned Parenthood behemoth looms nearby casting its pall. How does that go anyway? Step in for a quick abortion and then pick up a little something for yourself on the way home? Talk about compartmentalization.

The facility, of course, has been scrupulously placed to suggest that it is frequented by affluent Millennials who are in need of free condoms for the upcoming weekend kegger, but genocide is the real matter at hand – a short ride from downtown Aurora, Planned Parenthood's presence is meant to attract Hispanic women. Since we well know that the majority of the victims of abortion are Hispanic or Black, it's safe to say that when it comes to Margaret Sanger's vision of eugenics, it's all about location, location, location.

Now, I know that it is absolutely unacceptable to liken anything to the Holocaust because nothing can compare. It's the last refuge of a tired and broken down argument or so we are told, but I can't help but to wonder sometimes as I drive by the corner of New York and Eola. What must it have been like to pass by Auschwitz-Birkenau knowing what went on there? Did the population living closest Auschwitz feel as haunted by the Nazi's most notorious death camp as I do by the intersection of Eola and New York? Did they also pray for the massive loss of human life? Did they mourn the imperiled humanity of professionals who were delusional enough to be proud of their actions?

I wonder. When America finally comes to her senses…and she will – she always does… and eventually realizes the savagery that is abortion, will the corner of Eola and New York become a symbol of our national shame? Will they build a monument there? A museum? An eternal flame? Will men and women make pilgrimages to that locale to cry out against our national sin?

And how long will it be before those with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement rewrite history to make the sin of abortion your fault?

It is odd to think in this land of hyperbole and rhetoric where an insufficient increase in education spending can be likened to the horrors of the Holocaust that anything could remotely compare to that wretchedness of human history, yet here we are viewing Holly O'Donnell graphically describing how she was trained in chop shop dissections of children so as to harvest their organs. How is this any different than Mengele using Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a prisoner-physician who assisted Mengele under duress to perform the more grisly tasks or to carry out autopsies upon dead victims? See Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account for more on that subject.

Better still, how could this be happening in America? How could it have come to that?

So social conservatives have been alerted to the atrocities and are left wondering, what will Bruce Rauner do now that the actions of Planned Parenthood's employees have been revealed on video for all the world to see?

Will he do nothing and hope that collective memories are short, or will he dig down past his abortion apathy to see that legal action must be taken?

Quoting from his own wife in an email to supporters:

"Bruce has been unequivocal in his support for reproductive rights throughout a contentious Republican primary and publicly stated his support for reproductive rights in primary debates. He won the primary despite his pro-choice stance, in part by convincing pro-lifers to put aside their views on this issue in favor of economic ones." 

Given recent revelations about Planned Parenthood's views on human life, I guess it's time to see what Mrs. Rauner means by "unequivocal." Or rather, it is time to see what Governor Rauner means.

Please see this IR article dated October 31, 2014 for more on Rauner's support on reproductive rights.

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