Friday, October 9, 2015




Congressman Dave Brat of Virginia unseated former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor last year, and quickly became active in the conservative House Freedom Caucus. This week, Brat posted on his website an op-ed describing the key principles he and others conservative House members are looking for in the next House Speaker.

By Congressman Dave Brat - 

Right now, we're in the middle of a dramatic shake-up in House leadership that will ultimately determine how strong a voice conservatives will have in Congress going forward. Will the GOP majority continue with the "surrender and play-fight strategy" that has Republicans always on defense, or will we lead with a strong message and clear vision on the issues that matter most to people like you?

During my campaign I ran on six unifying, mainstream principles found in the Virginia Republican Creed. Today, when people ask me how I intend to vote on upcoming bills, I tell them that it's easy to predict -- all of my votes begin and end with those same principles.

The same kind of commitment needs to be made by our next Speaker. House leadership sets the tone, sets committees and determines what bills make it to the floor. It's important that we get this right.

With that in mind, here are some key commitments that new leadership should be willing to make to ensure the American people are given a seat at the table, and that we are serving their best interests - not the wishes of Washington's political class.

-- Oversee a budget process that leads to a balanced budget, and enforce it through regular order.
-- Facilitate free market reforms that replace Obamacare and get the federal government out of the health insurance mandate business.
-- Make border security a top priority, and ensure that amnesty for illegal immigrants is off the table.
-- Promote a limited government agenda, and encourage committees to look for ways to get government out of the way.
-- Rein in presidential overreach and enforce the Constitutional separation of powers.
-- Require bills brought to the floor have the support of the majority of the Republican conference.
-- Ensure that members are allowed to vote in line with their conscience and with their constituents without fear of retaliation by leadership.

Ed. Note: The vote on the new House Speaker was to be next week, but after Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy withdrew his name from consideration Thursday, the vote has been postponed.

Sent from my iPhone

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