Thursday, May 2, 2013


Deneen Borelli, author of the book "Blacklash," speaks out about the intimidation factor within the PC bully campaign taking place in our nation.  Just like the emancipated negroes of the late 1800's continued to keep silent for fear of reprisal, our every American, including African Americans, who have come through the hard fought emancipation of every race, color and creed are being relegated, once again, to the back of the bus.  Are we, as patriotic Americans, going to stand by and watch the African American community become ENSLAVED once again by the carpetbagging liberals who willing and knowingly are leading the White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, low income and uninformed citizens into virtual political slavery?

Where are the Freedom Marches!  Where are the 1 million man marches on Washington telling this administration that we do NOT want our citizens to be "share croppers" in Public Housing or  house servants in a Food Stamp line.  We want to see free, vibrant, mentored men, women and children in the practices of freedom, health, character and prosperity.  This is the 21st Century "EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION!"

Meanwhile, the lobby of the Alternate Universe LGBT syndicate are RE-defining what it means to be male or female and are asking intelligent people to believe that this is polictically and socially correct.  This is SO the same as the tale of "The Emporer's New Clothes!"  Who is going to stand up and say, "'The Emporer is NOT wearing any clothes!"  Only ONE little boy, in the story, was willing to be considered foolish to speak out in truth.  Where are the wise men and women today?  Where are we, people?

Take a stand, speak out, let your voice be heard!  You are not alone when you say, "This has gone far enough!"  The joke is on us.  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me TWICE, SHAME ON ME.

Read the WND article at:

LISTEN TO the interview with Deneen, an American who is willing to step up to the plate.


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