Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Snake Oil is what they used to sell to unsuspecting and vulnerable customers who were desperate for a cure for their ills. The elixir didn't have any proven curative value, but the public bought it none the less.. As the pendulum swung in America from the days of slavery and racial injustice, the traveling salesmen of the homosexual and alternate lifestyle agenda have sold to the American public the SNAKE OIL of the 21st Century, and it's being bought by the case loads.

The ANTI-society agenda of the lobbyists for an "alternate civilization" are successfully mass MARKETING a social agenda that has no basis other than a sexual and societal rebellion. It is the temper tantrum of the ages.

There is NO scientific evidence for homosexuality. There is no gene, no DNA evidence and no way to prove, in a court of law, that a person is "clinically" homosexual. It is a mindset that deviates from the dictates of science. Show us DNA. Show us the gene. They can't, and scientists will not step up to the plate to enter the verdict. We are told that they continue to seek evidence. Meanwhile, generations are being lost to sexual rebellion, sold to an apathetic society as a their birthright.

While scientists are silent, the fraudulent snake oil of the sexual rebellion of generations of the misinformed and coddled are being mass marketed to a society desperate never to be disingenuous. We have come to accept that the rebellion is the norm and civilizations, throughout the ages, have been misinformed.  This, they claim, is progress.

We are under the influence of mass marketing genius, and just like the hopeful people of days gone by, we have bought the elixer to cure all ills, marketed successfully as tolerance. We go about dispensing the elixir of tolerance, a cure-all for the ills of society, only to see our children, friends and society at large, dropping like flies in the aftermath of a prescription for love scam. We have been bilked by the LGBTQ "Bernie Madoff Investment Plan."

We live in a culture where love is defined as "tolerance." If love is tolerance, then why do we have law enforcement officers? Aren't we tolerant? Why are their prisons? Aren't we tolerant? Why are there lines of demarcation on a highway or locks on our homes and cars? Aren't we tolerant? Are we loving to allow generations to go, not only unimpeded but applauded through these growth pains of sexual experimentation without a word? Who would stand by and be dictated to by the misguided and misinformed? We are not loving to pretend that we do not see that snake oil is being sold as a cure-all elixir, and we are sanctioning FRAUDULENT MARKETING.

Are we, as a nation, buying the snake oil of an alternate society to cure a chronic case of politically correct tolerance and multi-ANTIculturalism?

We await scientific evidence. To date, there is none. In the meantime, be wary of the smooth and debonaire flim-flam door-to-door traveling salesman and his mass marketing of an alternate civilization. "Step right up!"

JGR - May 1, 2013


Supporting documentation:
May, 2013
No Genetic Evidence For Homosexuality

August 4, 2013
"Pediatrics Lobby Promotes Homosexuality to Children"

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