Friday, May 24, 2013


Based largely on a brilliant tactical strategy, some of the most passionate and dedicated people I have come across, seen or heard are self proclaimed LIBERTARIANS. They are articulate in their talking points and they are as staunch and deliberate as old Stonewall Jackson himself, the beloved Confederate General who died as a result of being wounded by one of his own, a fellow Confederate. 

Jackson, in death, became an icon of Southern heroism and commitment, joining Lee in the pantheon of the Lost Cause of the Confederate Army. General "Stonewall" Jackson was a celebrated tactician of warfare and beloved by his dedicated soldiers. But Jackson was unable, with all his brilliance, dedication and adoration of his followers, to win a war that was doomed to fail, not only because of its inferior numbers, but because of its core principle. It is a war that needed to be lost. History proves that. 

Did the Libertarian "write in" vote lose the election to the Democrats in 2012? Is it possible that the well meaning ideology of the Libertarians and other "vote your conscience not the ballot" idealists lost one of the most important elections in Constitutional history? Is the "democracy" vote of the Libertarian resolve a vote  AGAINST "the Republic" of the United States of America? 

The United States of America is NOT a democracy, as some may think. It is a Republic. If that thought seems unsettling to you, you do not have an informed understanding of the difference.  We are a Republic for a reason well thought out by our Founding Fathers. Our forefathers fought and died on battlefields both at home and abroad in "allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands."  No movement, no matter how well intentioned, can defy the  Constitution by casting a ballot in honor of democracy while at the same time pledging allegiance to the Republic.

The 2012 election was subverted by the well intentioned voters who followed the battle cry of the "Lost Cause" of the Libertarian ideology. As a result we are now living under unelected czars and an Internal Revenue Service that targets selected differing philosophical viewpoints for harassment and opposition. The Libertarians have shot themselves in the foot and have lost their self-proclaimed war. In the process, we are living under a government of "social slavery" ideology that is diametrically opposed to the very ideology for which they rally. In 2012, Libertarians won their battle and lost THE WAR. 

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