Tuesday, August 20, 2013


It is terrifying to watch what is supposed to be a "balance" of power between the three branches of government become morph into one entity that could be called the "Regulative" which commands the other three branches. Not exactly what our forefathers has in mind when they crafted the document that has preserved America for over 200 years. 

The most sweeping of the overreach during the Obama Administration:

1. The Affordable Health Care Act (a.k.a. OBAMACARE)

2. Dodd-Frank financial reform law

"Both called for hundreds of regulatory actions on banking, insurance charges, business disclosures and other issues. Many of the rules are still under construction, their final language the subject of heated debate and fierce lobbying."

Quoting from the article:

"Obama famously signaled his intent to use the machinery of government to further his policy goals after the 2010 elections, declaring: “Where Congress won’t act, I will.” 

"The fight over executive power is increasingly pitting the three branches of government against each other, with Congress and the judiciary struggling to assert power over officials with broad discretion to issue rules"

“Once a regulation is in place, there are some groups that benefit from it, and they will fight very hard not to have those benefits taken away,” Dudley said.

More “major rules,” those with an annual economic impact exceeding $100 million, were enacted in 2010 than in any year dating back to at least 1997, according to the CRS.


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