Friday, October 4, 2013


Sarah Palin, an American icon and a leader without an office, a champion without a trophy, stands tall like a mother bear in the face of danger. In contrast, our "Community Organizer in Chief" cowers behind the coat tails of the Party of "free stuff," systematically leading us into never ending debt, slavery to the lender and imminent demise. 

As the nation slips into financial crises with a four year marathon of irresponsibility resulting in no budget and continuing resolutions leading to nowhere, the President of the United States stands in the White House rose garden and blames the House of Representatives for not sending him the budget that he likes, further dividing the country. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin gains a following and rallies the troops without a rose garden and minus a bully pulpit. 

In the article below, Palin gives an overview of the President's speech to the Nation that came immediately after The Prime Minister of Israel spoke to the UN. You could sum up her commentary in this way:

(Quoting Palin) "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who spoke at the United Nations before Obama spoke at the White House, was a "warrior unifying his nation and their allies," while Obama was a "Community Organizer un-organizing and dividing his own."

Read the whole article:

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