Monday, December 15, 2014


VIDEO: Florida councilmembers walk out as atheist moron does 'invocation' of Satan and Almighty Thor
Image Credit: YouTube

Bright side: It's unintentionally hilarious.

Whoever's idea it was to let an atheist asshat give the "invocation" before the December 2 meeting of the Lake Worth, Florida city council should have known what they were going to get. Obviously three of the councilmembers themselves (including the mayor) had a pretty good idea, and had no intention of sticking around to hear this dimwit's nonsense.

My wife, on the other hand, could not stop laughing throughout his . . . er, prayer?

It almost seems to be giving this chucklehead too much credit for relevance if I bother making a serious point here, but I suppose it's worth repeating: The First Amendment says Congress is not to make a law establishing a religion for the nation. That is a good clause. I'm glad we have it. I wouldn't want to follow any sort of faith system established by politicians. That said: A city opening a meeting with a prayer to the real God in no way establishes an official religion for that city, let alone the whole country.

The logic behind letting a guy like this put on the Vaudeville act you see here is that, since there is no official religion, we need to give voice to all belief systems. No. We don't. For one thing, this guy clearly doesn't believe in anything. Every word out of his mouth demonstrates that. He's neither praying nor invoking anything or anyone. He's making a sanctimonious, dopey speech. Period. He does not need to be given a voice. And if the point of praying before a meeting is to seek the counsel and direction of the God you actually believe in during the meeting. So if you're on the council and you believe in Jesus, then get someone who prays to Jesus to do the invocation. You don't let some guy pray to Buddha or whoever just so everyone gets a turn. This isn't show and tell.

By the way, what's with the four councilmembers who actually stood there respectfully at attention as if this was to be taken seriously? If you live there, I'd think twice about re-electing any of them.

You know, you just might like Dan's books too! Go here to get his series of Christian spiritual thrillers - Powers and PrincipalitiesPharmakeia and Dark Matter - in print or e-book form, or read his teaching on spiritual matters. You can follow all of Dan's work by liking his page on Facebook.

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