Saturday, December 13, 2014

TO Boehner on Cromnibus Cramdown: ‘We Will Not Forget the Betrayal’

Laura Ingraham to Boehner on Cromnibus Cramdown: ‘We Will Not Forget the Betrayal’


Laura Ingraham John Boehner
Conservative radio talk show host and author Laura Ingraham issued sharp criticism to Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner on Thursday, saying that the Continuing Resolution Omnibus, or what has simply become know as “cromnibus,” is a 1,600 page joke.” 

The bill, which barely passed the House of Representatives, barely passed Thursday night, the deadline for avoiding a partial government shutdown, by an ultra slim margin of 210 – 206, with 67 conservative Republicans voting against the $1.1 trillion stop-gap measure. 

There were 57 Democrats that voted with their big government Republican brethren for the increase in overall spending that fully funds Obama’s illegal amnesty as well as the hated Obamacare disaster. 

Ingraham delivered a stinging blow to Boehner, comparing him despised communist Democrat Nancy Pelosi, playing her infamous words, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it,” as the 1,600 page behemoth was presented and voted upon before any members could have possibly had time to read it. 

Ingraham highlighted Boehner’s hypocrisy, pointing out that he was highly critical of the 1,100 page Obama Stimulus bill in 2009, which “not one member of this body has read.” 

Upon being launched into his speakership in 2010, largely because of the pro-liberty, pro-Constitution Tea Party movement, the formerly conservative Boehner promised a 72-hour window for members to read bills, a pledge he has broken. 

Ingraham slammed Boehner for managing “to please Barack Obama and infuriate the base of the party.” 

“We have Republicans turning their backs on the very people that built this majority,” Ingraham added, saying that GOP leadership has thumbed its nose at the conservative base of the Republican Party. 

Ingraham continued, warning that the base of the party will not be mocked a third time: 

“We will not forget the betrayal. And there will come a time where you will come calling on us. You will need us to help you. When that day comes, don’t be surprised if many of those rock-ribbed conservatives across the country…will not answer the call to help you because you’ve beaten them down so badly. You’ve betrayed them so terribly. You’re not going to betray them a third time.” 

h/t:  Breitbart

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