Saturday, March 7, 2015


Boehner did it

Speaker of the House John Boehner

House Speaker John Boehner probably thought he would get away with it. I’m sure he expected the noise surrounding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Congress would allow him to surrender the fort on immigration without anyone noticing. He could simply wait until the Democrats started hitching up their panties and goose stepping around in front of the cameras because that dirty Israeli hurt the delicate feelings of their beloved President Barack Obama, and then he’d wave through Obama’s 5 million or so new best friends. I’m certain Boehner and his fellow globalists-first-Republicans-second-and-Americans-a-distant-third honestly believed we’d be so transfixed by Netanyahu’s rather public thumb in Obama’s eye that we wouldn’t notice the sudden green light at the border.

As has been the case more often than not, Boehner was wrong. And his assent to Obama’s amnesty-by-fiat has served to remind me that Boehner’s single strongest attribute may well be his ability to reach down victory’s throat and yank out defeat. With the Senate’s Democratic minority using every procedural trick in the book to block progress on funding the superfluous-at-best, dangerous-at-worst Department of Homeland Security, Boehner could have simply dug in. He could have told House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to take a powder and Sen. Harry Reid to get bent and left the increasingly self-destructive Democrats to bang their heads against the wall of public opinion.

The Democrats responded to the drubbing they endured last November by throwing the kind of tantrum that earns kids a few minutes in timeout and a Ritalin prescription. They called Americans “stupid,” and then began acting as if they’d actually won a majority. Emboldened by Obama’s clear lack of compunction regarding ruling by fiat, they dug in on everything from the Obamacare Ponzi scheme to Obama’s other signature achievement: crippling our border security for votes through decrees like Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Boehner could have stopped them with relative ease. The Democrats were the ones holding the DHS funding bill hostage; and their tendency to use Twitter hashtags as negotiating ploys was alienating everyone who’s ever dealt with, or even observed, a petulant teenager. The Republicans didn’t have to move on immigration or on any of the president’s harebrained and/or criminal scheming. The Democrats were — and still are — campaigning down their noses at the electorate, somehow unaware that’s precisely the attitude that sent Americans reaching for the “Not Obama” lever last fall. Boehner and his Republican cronies, who were elected on promises of putting an end to Obama’s and the Democrats’ war on liberty, needed only to let the Democrats blow themselves hoarse while the public continues to watch their histrionics with bemused disgust. The talking point was pre-written: The Democrats are willing to shut down Homeland Security in order to deliberately make the homeland less secure.

Unfortunately, our man John might be a Republican; but he’s a globalist pawn first and foremost. So Boehner, with the Democrats dead to rights on Obama’s plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens with a wave of his imperial scepter, folded like a cheap lawn chair. By herding his — not our — Republicans in line, Boehner gift-wrapped a yes vote on a clean bill to fund the increasingly ill-named Department of Homeland Security, thereby giving the go-ahead to DACA.

Amnesty for illegal aliens, along with its even-uglier sister Obamacare, defined the 2014 election. The American people cried out in a resoundingly clear voice for an end to Obama’s increasingly virulent lawlessness, and Boehner and the Republicans swore up and down that they had the cure. And now, when the symptoms threaten to overwhelm the host, they’re withholding the medicine we so badly need.

Boehner can’t really justify the betrayal — at least not to the betrayed. His corporate donors will be pleased to know their supply of cheap labor will actually increase, even as Americans’ prospects for anything better than a “McJob” decrease in virtually direct proportion. His deep-pocket backers will be pleased to know that their grip on the reins of power — and the throats of Americans — will tighten as those corporate profits rise. In globalist gatherings like Davos, Switzerland; the boardrooms of finance houses like Goldman Sachs; and the palaces of supranational billionaires across the world, Boehner’s backstabbing brought tears of joy. And of course, the mood at Democratic Party headquarters is undoubtedly somewhere between “Onesie Friday” and “Transgender Slam Poetry Night at the Sustainable Coffee House” now that Boehner sent them a love note.

It’s entirely possible that Boehner, without realizing it, may well have done more than simply waved the flag in front of the electoral bull. By approving the Democrats’ naked vote grab — and let’s not delude ourselves into assigning any noble intentions to the people who call their own countrymen “American Taliban” and “domestic terrorists” — Boehner may well have signed the Republican Party’s electoral death warrant. At the exact moment the Democratic brand is circling the drain — their best hope for a 2016 White House victory is Hillary Clinton’s email server — Boehner and his party boys just shoved millions of potential new voters into the Democrats’ clown car. At best, it narrows the margins of victory. At worst, it could precipitate a terrorist attack on our soil. If Hollywood can envision Islamic terrorists sneaking across our increasingly porous borders, then ISIS and al-Qaida certainly can. And now, Boehner is essentially an accomplice.

But Boehner’s perfidy has served to remind an increasingly liberty-minded populace that the while some Republicans are quickly becoming indistinguishable from their left-leaning colleagues, others are standing firm. With the Democrats struggling with their own crisis of confidence, perhaps this is the perfect time for a changing of the guard in the GOP. At the very least, it might be nice if the Republican leadership wasn’t embodied by a guy who practically glows in the dark but somehow thinks he’s stealthy. I saw you, Speaker Boehner. And I’m not the only one who did.

–Ben Crystal

Sent from my iPhone

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