Sunday, June 28, 2015

Massive Obama Family Tie to Slavery Gets Exposed for America to See

BUSTED: Massive Obama Family Tie to Slavery Gets Exposed for America to See

The liberal mainstream media has been trying to hide this for years, but race-baiter-in-chief President Barack Hussein Obama’s own family used to own slaves.

Specifically, Obama’s great-great-great-great grandfather on his mother’s side, George Washington Overall, owned two slaves — a 15-year-old black girl and 25-year-old black man.

Obama’s great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Duvall, also owned two slaves — a 60-year-old black man and 58-year-old black woman.

Furthermore, the Duvalls, who lived in the 1800s, can be traced back to Mareen Duvall, a land owner in the 1600s who owned 18 slaves.

When this revelation initially broke in 2007, an Obama campaign spokesperson tried to deflect from it by arguing that Obama also had ancestors who “fought for the Union in the Civil War.”

And you can best believe that, according to The Baltimore Sun, Obama made no mention of these slave-owning relatives in his 1995 memoir, “Dreams of My Father.”

He and his pals in the mainstream media tried for years to hide his own family’s slave-owning past while they continued hammering white Americans for their ties to slavery and vestigial racism.

That Obama’s ancestors owned slaves in all reality does not matter. What matters are his own actions in the present.

However, because of the politically charged climate in which we live — one in which liberals are pining to erase the Confederacy from our history books — it’s important that all Americans be aware of President Barack Hussein Obama’s own past.

Please share this post on Facebook because every American citizen deserves to know that even our own president has direct ties to the most horrific part of our history: slavery.

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Sent from my iPhone

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