Friday, June 26, 2015

Obama Says America not cured of racism just because it is no longer "polite to say nigger in public."

Racial Agitator in the White House


In a "garage interview" with comic Marc Maron earlier this week, Barack Obama said that no one should think America was cured of racism just because it is no longer "polite to say nigger in public." Far from being cured, Obama went on to say, our racism is congenital-"part of our DNA."  

It was one of the most disgraceful statements on a toxic subject ever made by a president.  

Think about it...  

As our nation-our entire nation-- was in mourning over the tragedy in Charleston, the President of the United States uses the n-word in a cheap ploy to gain attention for his claim that while the people of this country may not use violent racial slurs in public, they cynically use them in private. And even worse, he goes on to suggest that the heroic steps America has taken in the last six decades to erase racial discrimination have been irrelevant because racism is embedded in our national genetic code.  

We shouldn't be surprised that Obama would pour gasoline on the fires of racial division in a time of national crisis. After all, when he was first running for President and came under criticism for being in the congregation of the Reverend James Wright, who urged God to damn America, Obama excused Wright by throwing his own terminally ill white grandmother-a woman who had saved his life-- under the bus. The anti American black racist preacher was no more guilty, Obama said, than this "typical white woman" who had "uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."  

Since then, the man who was supposed to usher in a "post racial" era in America has instead mired us in a quagmire of racial discord and division that we haven't seen since the 1960s.  

He made the execrable Al Sharpton an unofficial Race Czar, inviting him to the White House dozens of times since his first inauguration and following the racial ambulance-chaser's lead as Sharpton rushed off to one manufactured race crisis after another.  

Even worse, Obama chose as Attorney General Eric Holder, a man who systematically racialized the Justice Department and degraded his post by claiming that any criticism of the president was "racist" and making inflammatory comments such as this one: "When it comes to racism America is a nation of cowards." 

Let's be clear as we stand on the brink of what may become a long hot summer such as we haven't experienced for sixty years.  

Barack Obama has taken us back to a future of racial animosity and bitterness.Instead of making our country more color blind, he has color coded it. He has poured gasoline on smoldering racial division and helped create the abyss across which black and white citizens now stare at each other with increasing anger and incomprehension. 

The rebirth of racial animosity of the most disheartening social developments in this country in the last half-century and you can learn about Obama's role in it in Daniel Greenfield's sobering pamphlet Racial Agitator in the White HouseIn return for your tax deductible donation of $35 I'll send you a copy right away

Daniel Greenfield has been called one of the most incisive reporters in America. He certainly doesn't pull any punches in Racial Agitator in the White House.  He gives us chapter and verse on how Barack Obama has been a racial divider rather than a healer, opening up the old wounds of race in a way that would have made Martin Luther King Jr. look away in shame and taking every opportunity to indict our country and our system of justice rather than bringing our people together. 

When black Harvard professor Louis Gates was detained by police in Cambridge, for instance, the president magnified the trivial incident by commenting that there was "a long history" of blacks being disproportionately stopped by law enforcement.  

When a Florida grand jury failed to indict George Zimmerman for killing Trayvon Martin, the President's well publicized conclusion was that the outcome would have been different if Martin had been "a white male."  

When the grand jury in Ferguson refused to indict officer Darren Wilson, Obama used the occasion to talk not about how justice had been done, but about "the legacy of racial discrimination."  

When a grand jury in New York failed to indict the police officer who put a "chokehold" on Eric Garner, the President could only talk about the "lack of accountability" by the police.  

When Baltimore exploded and police were being targeted by mobs, Obama blamed white Republicans, even though the city hasn't had a Republican mayor in fifty years.  

Racial Agitator in the White House shows that this president had done more than all of the Confederate flags in Dixie to make our country a racial combat zone once again. In return for your tax-exempt donation of $35 or more to the Freedom Center today, I'll send you a copy right away. It's not a pretty story but it's one that has to be told. 

That's what the Freedom Center does: tell the hard truths other conservative organizations avoid.  With your help we will continue to defend our country from those both in and out of government who would slander and drag it down. I hope you'll lead your support and sign up for a copy of Racial Agitator in the White House today

Thank you for your loyalty and support.  

David Horowitz 
David Horowitz

David Horowitz Freedom Center

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