Tuesday, February 17, 2015


CLICK LINK to see graphic: http://gataxpayers.org/gtu/?p=407

You won a small victory last week!
Thanks to your phone calls and emails, the pro-tax hike politicians in Atlanta have started to feel the heat
As a result, they put their plans to vote on the gas tax hike bill, H.B. 170, on hold.
But our fight isn’t over yet -- they’re coming back to the Capitol today, and they could vote on the gas tax hike bill at any time.
And I am afraid many of the politicians are going to cave to pressure from special interests and vote for a tax hike if we don’t make our voices heard.
You see, Joan, the gas tax hike bill’s chief sponsor, Representative Jay Roberts, has been twisting arms and cutting deals to get his bill passed.
At the hearing last Thursday, Rep. Roberts even admitted that parts of H.B. 170 were unconstitutional!
Those sections of the bill were added to appeal to Democratic committee members.
That just shows how desperate he is to pass this gas tax hike and to what lengths he will go to buy votes from other state representatives.
Joan, please take a moment to send another round of emails to the transportation committee members.
You can cut and paste the following email addresses into the send field in your email account and email each of them at the same time:

And here is a message that you can copy, paste, edit to your liking, and send:
I am appalled that your committee would even consider H.B. 170 after it was admitted by Rep. Roberts that parts of the bill are unconstitutional.
Not only is H.B. 170 a massive tax hike that Georgia families cannot afford, but it represents a dangerous kind of lawlessness that I will not stand for.
I urge you to withdraw H.B. 170 from consideration immediately and vote "NO" on any other tax hikes that may come before you
These politicians have started to feel the heat.
Now let’s make them see the light!
For freedom,

Dear Joan,
My sources at the Capitol report legislators are feeling the heat over their proposed $1 billion transportation tax hike legislation!
That heat is coming from you -- the grassroots -- flooding the State Capitol with thousands of calls and emails urging opposition to ALL tax hikes.
Today (Thursday) their billion dollar tax hike is coming before the full House Transportation Committee.
That's why I need you to send a round of emails RIGHT NOW to each member of the House Transportation Committee urging them to vote "NO" to all tax hikes!
You can cut and paste the following email addresses into the send field in your email account and email each of them at the same time:
And here is a message that you can copy, paste, edit to your liking, and send:
I have great concerns about the transportation tax hike legislation set to come before the committee you serve on.
I am opposed to all tax hikes and encourage you to spend dollars that are supposed to be devoted to transportation on actual transportation projects.
I'm urging you to vote "NO" on this dangerous tax hike legislation (H.B. 170) and "NO" on any other tax hikes that may come before you.
Your email could make all the difference.
So please act right away.
For freedom,

Dear Joan,
I’ve been warning about this for weeks.
Big Government House Republicans in Atlanta introduced legislation that will hike taxes on hardworking Georgians by over $1 BILLION a year!
Joan, I know the special interests couldn’t be happier at the thought of digging their hands even deeper in our wallets.
But without your action today, I’m afraid this disastrous scheme will be RAMMED into law -- and send the entire Georgia economy on a downward spiral.
That’s why this is an all-out EMERGENCY.
Without your action today, I’m afraid the politicians in Atlanta are going to succeed in pulling a major fast one over Georgia citizens . . .
The truth is, Big Government members of BOTH parties in Atlanta aren’t even admitting their trying to raising taxes!
Instead, they expect you to believe they’re going to raise $1 BILLION in new “revenue” for transportation -- without raising taxes!
Wait, what?
Only a politician would believe such nonsense.
Those tax dollars have to come from somewhere!
I know Georgia’s transportation system is a mess.
But sadly, this new transportation tax hike scheme is nothing more than a political shell game designed to confuse taxpayers, protect politicians, and create new handouts for special interests in Atlanta.
Worse, should the scheme pass, it will only result in more economic pain for Georgia citizens.
Despite what the special interests who feed off tax dollars tell us, higher taxes equals lost jobs. PERIOD.
It’s been proven time and again.
High tax states lag behind on job creation.
Meanwhile, states with lower taxes are known for economic growth.
But I’m afraid, after years of watching our state’s economy benefit from lower taxes and a business-friendly climate, politicians in Atlanta are starting to envy the fat budgets and big spending ways of liberal states like California and New York.
Joan, you and I have to put a stop this madness NOW.
The truth is, instead of fixing our state’s transportation system, Big Government politicians in BOTH parties have just looked the other way while state bureaucracies wasted $140 MILLION a year in food stamp overpayments.
They’ve unloaded our tax dollars on all sorts of pet projects back home instead of priorities -- like schools, roads and law enforcement.
And now, they want even more of our tax dollars to waste!
And without your action, I’m afraid tax-and-spenders will succeed in RAMMING their “bipartisan” tax hike scheme into law.
That’s why I’m counting on you to help me send this LOUD-AND-CLEAR message to any politician in Atlanta who thinks they can get off scot-free with this outrageous scheme:
So won’t you please click here and sign your EMERGENCY NO NEW TAXES petitions immediately?
No New Taxes
for Transportation Boondoggles
And if you’re able, please agree to your most generous contribution to Georgia Taxpayers United today.
With your support, my goal is to launch an all-out plan to stop this tax hike, including:
>>> Contacting up to 100,000 Georgians to generate EMERGENCY NO NEW TAXES petitions, postcards, letters and phone calls from folks just like you to turn up the heat on their legislators;
>>> Launching an all-out earned media blitz to include hard-hitting op-eds, a flood of letters to the editor, media interviews and appearances on talk radio;
>>> Running hard-hitting radio, newspaper and even TV ads in key districts across Georgia;
>>> Turning on the phones and contacting our members all across the state to urge them to urge their elected officials to vote against any scheme to raise taxes.
This is the type of program it will take to stop this transportation tax hike scheme.
Not only that, but it will put politicians in Atlanta “on notice” if they ever try to raise taxes again.
Of course, this type of program won’t be cheap.
But it will be well worth it.
That’s why, in addition to your signed EMERGENCY NO NEW TAXES petitions, I must count on your generous support right away.
Maybe you can afford a generous gift of $250, $100, or $50?
If that’s too much, won’t you please agree to chip in $25 or even $10?
Your contribution will help me spread our message to folks just like you all across the Peach State.
It could make all the difference.
So please act right away.
For freedom,
Nathan Adams, President
Georgia Taxpayers United

P.S. Republican Leadership just introduced a new $1 BILLION gas tax hike scheme in the Georgia House of Representatives.
Instead of cutting their own pet projects to focus on fixing our crumbling infrastructure, politicians in Atlanta are asking you and me to foot the bill for the problems they created!
So won’t you please click here and sign your EMERGENCY NO NEW TAXES petitions immediately?
No New Taxes
for Transportation Boondoggles
And if at all possible, please agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 or even $10 to help Georgia Taxpayers United spread this message across the Peach State.
Because Georgia Taxpayers United is tax-exempt under IRC § 501(C)(4) and because of its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)). 

This message was intended for: joaneanna@yahoo.com. You were added to the system April 9, 2012. For more information click here.
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