Monday, April 21, 2014


Should 1 Person have the Power to Overturn the Will of 3 Million Voters?

When our Founding Fathers established our nation, they purposely divided the power and responsibilities into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial.  Of the three branches, the judicial was supposed to be the branch with the most limited powers.  Our Founding Fathers never intended for judges to have the authority or power to overturn the will of the people.  They felt the people should have the say, not judges, not the president and not even Congress.  That’s why they started the US Constitution with the words ‘We the people of the United States.’  If they saw America today, they would wonder what happened to the country and government they created.

Years ago, the people of California and Arizona voted to make English the official language.  Hispanic minorities complained and took their whining to the courts.  In both states, the will of the people was overturned by one or three liberal judges who felt they had more power than the people.

This week, I saw the same thing happen just north of me in Ohio.  In 2004, Ohio voters passed a state constitutional amendment, Ohio State Issue 1 that banned same-sex marriage and civil unions.  The measure passed with 62% of the vote.

Naturally gay activists have been upset because the majority of Ohio citizens still believe that homosexuality is a sin as described in the Bible and should not be allowed.  They’ve been trying to challenge the constitutional amendment and will of the majority ever since.

Read more at Godfather Politics

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