Saturday, April 5, 2014


Is The Federal Government Destroying America?

Throughout our nation’s history, states and citizens have experienced an incremental erosion of their sovereignty, their rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. Among the more significant incidents in our history is the force wielded during The Civil War, the addition of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution in 1913, and a federal judiciary routinely chipping away at the Bill of Rights; repeatedly misinterpreting the supremacy, general welfare and commerce clauses of the Constitution. The collective impact on personal freedoms and economic liberty has been devastating.

Time and again history has proven that when the federal government abandons constitutional mandates and limitations, bad policy is the result; policy which either creates or contributes to widespread problems for both the individual and for society-at-large. The failure to secure our nation’s borders is a recent hot-button issue that illustrates this truth.

Currently, American society’s largest problem is the federal government's outrageous runaway growth, resulting in ever increasing demands for the wealth of the citizenry and the dampening of prosperity for future generations. Spiraling annual budget deficits and a grotesque national debt which now grows at $4 billion a day are harbingers of serious danger ahead. Yet, our government thumbs its nose at demand for responsible fiscal behavior. Ultimately, the federal government can be the undoing of America if it is not returned to the constitutional constraints under which it was born.

Now more than ever, an increasing number of citizens are learning that they must educate themselves and remain ever vigilant if we are to maintain our rights. We can no longer depend on the federal government to restrain its self. Left to their own devices, our representatives in Washington have repeatedly refused to do so. Righting the relationship between the people and central government will depend upon citizens utilizing state government to reign in the powers that be in Washington.

So, how to assert state sovereignty? Once we understand that the federal government was never intended to determine their own limitations of power, we must reason that state governments, as well as “the people”, possess legitimate tools to effectively assert or re-claim their rights when necessary.

For more on this issue, see our exclusive video of “A Matter of Principle”, a forum on sovereignty and state’s rights featuring Sheriff Richard Mack here:

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