Monday, April 14, 2014


Democrat Rep Cummings was in collusion with the IRS in its targeting of the Tea Party. 

True the Vote to Democrat Rep. Cummings: ‘No More Lies, Mr. Cummings; Tell America the Truth’


Now that there is documented proof that Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings was in collusion with the IRS in its targeting of the Tea Party, specifically True the Vote based in Houston, the group’s founder demands justice and that Cummings stop lying to the American people.

Catherine Engelbrecht’s group was but one of Tea Party groups who were targeted, harassed, threatened and intimidated by the IRS, conveniently as the grassroots were working to make changes within government in the 2012 elections. Because of the Tea Party movement, the GOP took back the House in the 2010 mid-term. With Barack Obama’s re-election in the balance, and a desire by the Democrats to hold onto power in the Senate, a new scandal was born. The IRS was used as a weapon to target those deemed to be Obama’s political enemies.

Rep. Cummings has worked tirelessly to obstruct justice during the investigation thereby impeding the ability to learn the truth about the events that occurred. He has denied profusely any communication with Lois Lerner or the IRS going so far as to accuse GOP committee chair Darrell Issa of a witch hunt. The left, including Obama himself, have denied any politically based wrongdoing. They have continued this claim of deniability despite evidence to the contrary that has surface. Now, there is email proof that Democrats on the House Oversight Committee were in collusion with the IRS. Cummings himself was the lead one, specifically targeting True the Vote on numerous occasions.

Now, Engelbrecht is calling Cummings out and demanding that he be held accountable for his actions. While she and her group previously filed an ethics complaint, with the revelation of the new evidence, she has amended her complain to specifically include Cummings as well.

In a statement, she blasted Cummings for his actions and, as has been characteristic of her bold stand and refusal to back down in the midst of the attacks, she said, “I will not ask Rep. Cummings, Lois Lerner, Barack Obama, or anyone else, for permission to exercise my constitutional rights.”  

Read the full statement from True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht. 

No More Lies, Mr. Cummings; Tell America the Truth 

Houston, TX – April 9, 2014 - Washington is reeling as Rep. Elijah Cummings’ (D-MD) true role in the IRS abuse scandal has come to light. Emails released by the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, of which Cummings is the ranking member, show Cummings and his staff communicating with Lois Lerner while the IRS targeted True the Vote for abuse.

“Today’s committee action reveals what we knew all along. Partisan politics and the weaponization of government against opponents of this administration is real and continues,” said True the Vote president Catherine Engelbrecht. “Elijah Cummings has blocked the IRS abuse investigation all along. We now see clearly that two branches of government have colluded to target and silence private citizens.

“America has come to a tipping point,” Engelbrecht said. “No more lies. No more cover-ups. No more collusion. Enough is enough. Finally, we have a chance for the rule of law to be re-established, thanks to the bold efforts of Chairman Issa and Rep. Jordan.”

Engelbrecht added, “We filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Cummings in February. Today we’re amending that filing to include this latest revelation. As I have said in my testimony before Congress; I will not retreat, I will not surrender, I will not be intimidated. I will not ask Rep. Cummings, Lois Lerner, Barack Obama, or anyone else, for permission to exercise my constitutional rights.”

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