Sunday, October 12, 2014

Government Distorts Biology to Manipulate Our Values

Government Distorts Biology to Manipulate Our Values


pelosi gay pride
Media and government keep pushing transgender, the notion that you can decide for yourself whether you are male, female, or just an it. So why do they still cling to biology to decide racial issues, rather than whatever label you choose for yourself? 

Government keeps trying to manipulate our values.

An outrageous training session handout told teachers in Lincoln, Nebraska, to quit referring to boys and girls. Use neutral divisions, it suggested; let kids pick their own labels, such as calling themselves Purple Penguins. 


Government and media are promoting transgender, the notion that your biology and DNA don’t count, but only how you choose to think of yourself.


The same disregard of biology is behind the Supreme Court’s decision not to disturb rulings that allow same-sex marriage, ignoring state votes and constitutions to the contrary.


Yet government still uses biology to make awards under affirmative action programs, granting special treatment based on race or sex. Imagine how they’d scream if a white man claimed benefits by saying he feels like a black woman. It’s crazy to claim that sex is all about your personal attitude and not about biology.


With insights, I’m Ernest Istook.

Please share on Facebook and Twitter if you are tired of the government manipulating you and attacking our core values.


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