Sunday, October 12, 2014

New Government Report Shines a Light on the Global Warming Scam and the “Green Mafia” Running it

New Government Report Shines a Light on the Global Warming Scam and the “Green Mafia” Running it


ZGoreThe “science” behind the study of global warming has been irreparably tainted. While objective scientific method demands that one formulate an experiment to discover a result, the politically-charged moneymen who profit from “green” industries have created an atmosphere that necessitates the exact opposite: “science” surrounding the study of global warming is now geared towards bolstering a predetermined result that global warming is not only real, but that it is manmade.


That’s not to say that there cannot be some environmental consciousness. For example, China may be a powerhouse of industry, but they are depleting their resources at a feverish pace. Recycling and other sustainable efforts are not necessarily a bad idea simply because these efforts are pushed by the same people who push the “global warming/global cooling/climate change” myth.

In 2006, global warming alarmist Al Gore declared that “the debate it over” surrounding “climate change.” Instead, the issue is far less certain than ever before.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California has only recently released a whopping ten-year study that throws a wrench in the “the sky is falling” reactions of the environmental movement. Despite all the talk about carbon dioxide levels and the folly of man’s industrial hubris, the oceans have not warmed on any measurable level in the last 10 years.

The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed measurably since 2005, according to a new NASA study, leaving unsolved the mystery of why global warming appears to have slowed in recent years…

Scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, analyzed satellite and direct ocean temperature data from 2005 to 2013 and found the ocean abyss below 1.24 miles (1,995 meters) has not warmed measurably. Study coauthor Josh Willis of JPL said these findings do not throw suspicion on climate change itself.

“The sea level is still rising,” Willis noted. “We’re just trying to understand the nitty-gritty details.” 

Of course, the very nature of this phrasing suggests a political bias. No other scientific community would be content with publishing a report that begins with, “All evidence points to global warming not existing… But don’t worry, we’re still scratching our heads trying to figure out how to prove that this deadly specter of the science world still exists, despite our objective evidence to the contrary.”

The IJReview sums up the theme nicely, writing, 
If one might recall, scientists who claim that carbon dioxide drives global warming are unable to explain a 17-year hiatus in rising global temperatures, all while carbon dioxide levels continue to rise. Obviously, if carbon dioxide drives global temperatures, this is literally impossible: No correlation, no causation…

The problem that they are trying to solve is why global temperatures have not risen, despite the UN’s models predicting that such temperatures would increase proportionately to carbon dioxide levels. 

We should be mindful about our waste and what we’re doing to the planet and not be gratuitously savage to the Earth. However, this stride for sustainability should derive from a commonsense desire to want to avoid living in a landfill. The “green mafia,” however, remains a far bigger threat to our civilization than any fictitious global warming because unlike global warming, the job-killing regulations pushed by the environmental opportunists are quite real. 

Please share on Facebook and Twitter if you believe that global warming alarmism is a threat to our nation’s future.

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