Friday, October 10, 2014

Learn How You Can Help ‘Restore the Dream!’

Learn How You Can Help ‘Restore the Dream!’


Recently, announced a huge new campaign on which they will soon embark, Restore the Dream(details on the second tele-townhall below)  The American economy  has been decimated at the hands of Barack Obama due to his disastrous economic policies. This has had a harmful effect on American families across the country. While Americans of all colors are experiencing financial pain, and the fears that come with an uncertain future, nowhere is that more prevalent than in the black community.

Despite Obama’s creative ways to hide the true state of unemployment in this country, black Americans have an unemployment rate of 11.5%. Imagine what it would be if Obama wasn’t using fuzzy Math in his lies to the American people.

The black community finds itself taken advantage of year and year by the Democrat party in both local and national elections. Democrats have become poverty pimps blaming Republicans and anyone but themselves for situations they work to create. Rather than personal responsibility, they tell the black community that others, especially Republicans, are to blame for their plight. Rather than teaching that blacks can stand on their own and achieve like any other ethnicity, they encourage them to blame the white man, specifically the white Republican, for any struggles in life. They push welfare rather than encourage hard work and self-improvement that would lead to better paying jobs. has decided to beat the Democrats at their own game, because it is not a game at all. It is a stark reality dealing with the lives and future of black Americans.

Learn more about this endeavor on a special tele-townhall on Friday, October 10th, 2014, at 4pm PDT/7pm EDT. The call-in number is: 712-775-7085 (extension: 390324).

They have formed a unique coalition and a daring initiative that will encourage communities of color to engage in the political process. Niger Innis, Executive Director of, will be joined by Deneen Borelli, Star Parker, Pastor C.L. Bryant, Lloyd Marcus, Wayne Dupree and others in this endeavor. Their goal is to encourage the black community to participate in the political process, but to do so in an intelligent way knowing full well who they are voting for and the outcome that vote will have on their future.

For years, the vote of the black community has been taken advantage of by the Democrat party, who in turn push the same harmful policies. Niger and our partners will work to bring the truth to the black community for the reality is, the economic misery index for blacks has gotten progressively worse under the presidency of Barack Obama.

Niger will be making a huge announcement regarding the kickoff of this Restoring the Dream campaign with the first event taking place at a historic site that might surprise some. Find out more about this special campaign and what you can do to help at our next tele-townhall that will take place on October 10th, 2014, at 4pm PDT/7pm EDT.

Again, the call-in number is: 712-775-7085 (extension: 390324)

For more information on the Restore the Dream campaign, please visit

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