Thursday, September 26, 2013


The whole question of Common Core has become quite the chatter and like most issues that concern American citizens, it has become a political ping-pong.  Suffice it to say, the Common Core Curriculum debate has educators, politicians, lobbyists and businesses on both sides.  The most distinct of the businesses is the enormous funding of the Bill Gates Foundation.  This would seem quite philanthropic until you realize that because of the computer based dynamic of Common Core, Gates stands to make billions of dollars.  Even though his foundation is subsidizing a large portion of this experiment in education, he is a businessman.  He is not going to lose money.

Is the Common Core Curriculum what it is advertised to be or is it an insidious method of propaganda to make our youth more compliant with a one size fits all cloning of a generation and beyond?  Where is the innate uniqueness of each child and the freedom to explore one's own interests, talents, strengths and abilities?  Is this a doomed for failure attempt to clone our children into "Stepford students" to be displayed as trophies?  Would we not be better served, as Americans, to let our youth blossom into the variety of person that is their bent, or do we really want robots?  The entrepreneurial spirit is conceived in the soil of individualism.

The author of the article states:

"Let me make this easy for you. Common Core standards is an across-the-board, pre-K to the end of your child’s education, system of teaching whereby every student is mandated to be taught the exact same thing and for all intents and purposes taught the exact same thing during the same period of time. In brief, it is a standard of education that creates automatons... did children learn more before Carter created the Department of Education, or after it? I would ask, what have the billions of tax dollars that have gone into public schools done to raise the level of accomplishment by students? I would remind you that, since the early 1980s, we have been told that all it takes is more money, and our children will be academic standouts. When, in reality, billions of dollars after billion of dollars have netted the same results — diminished student performance.

The argument for the “absolute need” of Common Core standards is they are the only way to prepare students for careers and college. Supposedly without Common Core standards our children will neither be college-ready nor career-ready. And while the battle to resist Common Core was being fought by those of us who understood the sinister evil of what will be a forced program of education, “. . .the Obama administration had $4.35 billion of Race to the Top federal funds, and [said] states had to adopt ‘college-and-career ready standards’ if they wanted to be eligible to compete for those funds.” (The Biggest Fallacy of the Common Core Standards; Diane Ravitch; 8/24/13)"  READ MORE...


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