Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Point taken. Obama cannot be trusted and that is verifiable. This has been proven over and over as he has repeatedly lied to the American people and to the world.  

"On Tuesday, after House speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio)announced his support for a military strike following a briefing at the White House, Huelskamp wondered if President Obama could be trusted on the issue. “Since Obama still refuses to tell us the whole truth about Benghazi, why do GOP leaders trust Obama to be truthful about Syria?” he asked on Twitter"

"Tennessee state representative Joe Carr (R.), who is mounting a tea-party challenge against incumbent Senator Lamar Alexander (R., Tenn.), also cited a lack of trust in explaining his opposition to military intervention. “This is an administration that has been cloaked in secrecy since [Obama’s] first inauguration,” he told National Review Online, before reeling off a list of administration scandals — NSA spying, IRS targeting, Fast and Furious, Benghazi. “We can’t get a straight answer out of the president. I don’t believe we’re getting accurate information out of the president now, and I don’t believe we should go to war because he drew an arbitrary red line.” The White House has yet to provide a compelling national-interest argument for intervention, which the vast majority of Tennesseans oppose, he added."

Read the article:

As Sarah Palin said:

“So we’re bombing Syria because Syria is bombing Syria? And I’m the idiot?” she wrote. “As I said before, if we are dangerously uncertain of the outcome and are led into war by a Commander-in-chief who can’t recognize that this conflict is pitting Islamic extremists against an authoritarian regime with both sides shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ at each other, then let Allah sort it out.”

Each of these leaders sees the full spectrum of the untrustworthiness of this "Commander-in-chief" and fails to see the compelling argument of an anti-war, diplomatic solution, no foreign policy administration.  

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