Sunday, September 8, 2013


ILLINOIS as well as other states who by majority oppose and have banned gay marriage are being targeted by the ever broadening and vocal Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer (LGBTQ) lobby groups across America. 

Far more aggressive than just a mass marketing of this science fiction style culture of sexual identity and behavior, this fiercely protected lobby machine is not content to have its exploits overlooked. Without constraint, this relentless agenda is designed to trample on the First Amentment rights of free Americans by promoting legislature that would silence, as hate speech, ANY discussion, debate or speech opposing this alternative to male/female roles within the well regarded family structure. This alleged hate speech would be punishable by law. 

In a bizarre twist that defies imagination, it is being promoted by legal mandate that speaking out publicly regarding male and female traditional marriage and the sacredness of male/female roles as the norm in a our society will soon be criminal. It is already being outlawed for health care professionals to try in any way to discourage youth from moving toward the homosexual lifestyle. Understand that this means if a child seeks council regarding concerns about their sexual confusion, it would be against the law to address this confusion from a scientific standpoint. It can only be addressed from a "legal" vantage point. 

This impunitive negligence is far deeper and darker than tolerance of a minority obsession with rebellion against a norm. It is an assault on a biological civility that goes back as far as time itself. It is a flagrant disregard of science and of the obvious. 

We ARE male OR female. There is no denying that. It is a scientifically proven fact, based on chromosomes visible in a microscope. No matter how many civil liberty laws are passed, the scientific community, bent on holding up scientific evidence as a higher power, cannot deny this. Whether you claim to be male or female, gay or straight, your DNA "outs" you scientifically without regard for the law or the justice system. Neither surgery, hormone injections, activities that are pseudo-sexual in nature or ceremonies sanctioned by a wildly permissive society can alter these facts. 

When a society is encouraged to "pretend" that they do not see what they actually do see or even worse still come to believe that what they see is not actually happening, it is called DELUSIONAL. 

  1. 1.
    an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.
    "the delusion of being watched"
Yet the scientific community cowers to a delusion that could easily be remedied by  a definitive statement of fact. COULD IT BE that a powerful dellusion is more rampant than we could have ever thought? Could it be that like a plague that has the potential to devour a civilization, the spores of dellusion are beyond thoughtful quarantine? COULD IT be that the very mirage that delights a permissive and inclusive society may be the last frontier of optical illusion that ultimately leads NOT to the oasis desired, but to a barren desert? 

History will hold us accountable for our pretense and our blind eye approach to tolerance.

Read the article:

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