Monday, November 17, 2014

Corsi: Here Comes First-Class Citizenship Under Obama-Declared “DREAMER Amnesty”

Corsi: Here Comes First-Class Citizenship Under Obama-Declared “DREAMER Amnesty”

(Dr. Jerome Corsi) – It’s already started.

Just one week after the historic repudiation of Barack Obama’s imperial presidency in mid-term elections where Republicans took over the Senate, gained in the House, gathered additional governors’ mansions and took over a majority of state legislatures, it’s already started.

In a little reported appearance before the Latin-American Development Bank on Friday, Vice President Biden began opening the floodgates of illegal immigration Barack Obama intends to cause with his much-touted series of executive orders aimed at opening wide the U.S. border with Mexico.

Biden announced the Obama administration plans to extend refugee status Central American children, in a program that would extend the protection of international law to the next wave of anticipated immigration from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.


While Biden’s announcement was devoid of any details, conceivably State Department airplanes could be provided to transport the Central American children granted refugee status, enabling those children to avoid having to take the risks of paying coyotes and paying criminal gangs in order to travel through Mexico to enter the U.S. by crossing the nation’s southern border.

Immediately, the front page of newspapers in Guatemala declared minors in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras will receive refugee status in the United States starting next month.

This is an Obama plan that has been long in the works.

In July, representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or UNHRC, were holding “intense discussions” about the possibility of extending U.N. protection to the thousands of Central American crossing the border with Mexico illegally by defining them as “refugees” seeking asylum from domestic and political violence in their home nations.

Even before that Obama’s “Border Czar” Alan Bersin, while yet serving as Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for International Affairs, declared in a speech he delivered in 2012 that the southern border of the United States is effectively now the Mexican border with Guatemala.

Bersin made the remark at a Annual Border Issues Conference hosted in Washington by the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce.

“This is a terrific period,” Bersin said in remarks suggesting the “real action” economically in the world will be in North America in the future, thanks to the oil and gas resources of Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

“The Guatemalan border with Chiapas, Mexico, is now our southern border,” Bersin went on to claim.

Obama has also signaled that he intends to confer special citizenship status upon illegal immigrants currently in the United States and about to flood into the United States in unprecedented hundreds of status.

By defining “unaccompanied minors” the illegal immigrants crossing the border in unprecedented numbers starting last January from the Latin America countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, Obama’s “message managers” in the White House sought to turn public attention from the tens of thousands of teenage criminal gang members that constituted the true majority of that surge.

Similarly, by issuing executive orders that expand “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” or DACA, for the illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children, Obama intends to impose his unconstitutional mandates on an unwilling U.S. population by appealing to our sympathies to illegal immigrant children brought to the United States by their parents.

If we look at the benefits conferred so far on the over 2,000 young adults given relief from deportation by Barack Obama’s DACA executive order in June 2012, it is apparent that with amnesty, Obama will confer a series of benefits that will create a new super class.

Obama will force states to accept those given amnesty full participation in government-funded welfare benefits, including total access to Obamacare.

Objecting that Tea Party members want illegal immigrant “families torn apart,” not understanding that illegal immigrants are “human beings with rights under international law,” Obama will justify his unconstitutional mandates as “administrative relief” aimed at resolving a humanitarian crisis.

In the mean time, millions of illegal immigrants will get amnesty by claiming to be the parents or relatives of the DACA kids, including the parents and relatives of criminal gang cartels regardless of whether they are from Mexico or a specially Obama-favored Latin American country such as Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Upon the millions of illegal aliens granted “a pathway to citizenship” by unconstitutional executive orders, Obama will issue green cards, fresh new credit, the right to have government-funded tuition support as “Dreamers,” state-issued drivers’ licenses, access to unemployment insurance (even if they never held jobs in the United States), and the right to file for “earned income tax credits” on their income tax filings even if they have no income.

Who will pay?

The states and the taxpayers will pay, of course.  Remember, this is Obama socialism and hard-working U.S. citizens that have carried the full weight of the Obama economy – including suffering under government businesses that cripple small business, being forced to bear the cost of business failures and back taxes, while seeing their credit histories destroyed, losing their homes in record numbers, being forced to go on food stamps to feed a family, and wondering how they will pay to college educate their children.

While destroying the U.S. middle class, the Obama administration plans to burden the middle class to pay for the “amnesty” DREAMERS upon whom Obama plans to create first-class privileged citizenship status.

Remember, Barack Obama end game is (and always was) redistributing income by destroying a middle class Obama has declared to be “racist,” while opening our borders to a Spanish underclass that Obama knows will have no appreciation of American history and no commitment to the U.S. Constitution.

By the way, the unconstitutional executive orders Obama plans to issue to confer his “DREAMER amnesty” will not require the illegal immigrants getting first-class privileged U.S. citizenship will not be required to learn English, they will not be required to take a Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America, and they will not undergo health screening or criminal background checks.

Under the “DREAMER Amnesty” that Obama intends to enact with a stroke of his pen and a call on his cell phone here comes to your neighborhood the “New Super Class” of Obama green-card citizens, ready to have you as taxpayer pick up the tab while the former illegal aliens use generous government subsidies to buy the best homes, get state-issued drivers licenses to drive new luxury cars, take jobs you might otherwise have taken, educate their children in Spanish in public schools, and get every available government benefit from Obamacare to food stamps.

And if Tea Party Loyalists object, Obama and his socialist Democratic minions will call us racists, just because we insist upon upholding the Constitution of the United States and the rule of law, including demanding the current occupant of the White House must enforce existing immigration laws or face impeachment.

Facing this nightmare scenario, Tea Party Loyalists must let the new GOP majority in Congress know where we stand.

Please also join me in sending to all 100 U.S. Senators and to all 435 members of the House of Representatives a Fax Blast that says “No to Amnesty!”

Tea Party Loyalists are the last line of resistance to “America’s Fraud President” who is attempting to deprive us of our Constitutional rights in his effort to debase America to a police-state maintaining order in a second-class nation.

Our voices must and will be heard.

Corsi136BDr. Jerome Corsi

Dr. Jerome Corsi received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Political Science in 1972. He is the author of two No. 1 New York Times nonfiction bestsellers, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry” (with co-author John O’Neill) and “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality.” In the past 5 years, Dr. Corsi has written 5 New York Times Bestselling non-fiction books. Dr. Corsi is the Senior Commentator for

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