Monday, November 17, 2014

New Video Just Uncovered on Obama and Obamacare Proves He Lied

BREAKING: New Video Just Uncovered on Obama and Obamacare Proves He Lied


ZGruberThe media is working feverishly to downplay the revelation by Obamacare adviser Jonathon Gruber that the bill passed due to deception on the part of the Obama Administration and the “stupidity” of the American voter.


However, before Gruber was President Obama’s headache, he was Mitt Romney’s. As Gov. Romney mounted an unsuccessful bid for the highest office, the Obama Team peppered the media with claims that Gruber had helped design “Romneycare,” a statewide universal healthcare platform approved in Massachusetts on Romney’s watch.

More importantly, it was accurate. Mitt Romney did oversee the implementation of universal healthcare on a statewide level in Massachusetts. Of course, such a program is far different from a national policy that drags the U.S. economy down, but the point remains: Gruber has been helping design socialized healthcare for states and the U.S.

Slate hits-on this point and calls Republican anger over this apparent double-standard “politically justified,” which, for a liberal publication, is as close to condemnation Democrats will ever see. 

Before he was causing problems for the Obama administration, the Obama team was using Gruber to unsettle Mitt Romney. In the 2012 campaign, Obama’s camp was claiming that the Massachusetts health care plan was the intellectual model for Obamacare, just as Romney was trying to disavow it. Gruber was essential to this case.

 In a video produced by the Obama campaign celebrating the anniversary of “Romneycare,” Gruber says, “I helped Gov. Romney develop his health care reform or Romneycare, before going down to Washington to help President Obama develop his national version of that law.” The spot includes old footage of Romney thanking Gruber for his work on the Massachusetts health bill. “The core of the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare and what we did in Massachusetts are identical,” Gruber says.

The MIT professor was such an important part of the creation of Obamacare that his association with Romney’s effort proved the link between the two programs. If that involvement in Obamacare was sufficient to condemn Romney in 2012, it’s sufficient enough for Republicans to raise it now over Gruber’s claims about the Affordable Care Act. What’s Gruber for the goose, is Gruber for the gander. 

The same leftist political-media apparatus that attempted to discredit Romney are now as-carefully-as-possible attempting to dodge the 800-pound gorilla in the room: that to condemn Romney, the left must condemn Obama and the rest of the Democrats who shoved this legislation down America’s throat. 

Another clip of Jonathon Gruber explaining his role in Obamacare can be seen here.


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