Thursday, November 20, 2014

Obama's String of Lies Designed To Mask Abuse of Power and True Intentions Obama's String of Lies Designed To Deceive Americans

Obama's String of Lies Designed To Mask Abuse of Power and True Intentions
Obama's String of Lies Designed To Deceive Americans

November 20, 2014

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ( President William Gheen issued the following statement in response to Obama's immigration speech.

"Barack Obama has just exceeded his Constitutional authority more than any prior American President.

"Each item he cites such as paying back taxes and having been in America for more than five years, etc., well, those were all elements of the legislation that the American public and Congress have rejected. Every middle school student in America is taught that our Congress makes laws and the President does not have the power or authority to create laws that have not been approved by the lawmakers who are the product of our elections.

"Congress must act to curtail Obama immediately and must cast aside the advice of the Republicans who serve as Obama's amnesty facilitators. Obama does not fear that a Republican who supports immigration reform will impeach him for establishing immigration reform by decree!

"And the horrific truth is that both Obama's amnesty decree tonight, or any immigration reform amnesty legislation that lifts the current illegal immigration punishments and deterrents like deportation, will literally bring the rest of the world crashing down on our once vibrant nation.

"State after state will fall into the kind of high crime, broken budget disaster that California has become due to illegal immigration. While more than 3.5 million people have fled California in the last few years, it now votes solid Democrat due to the taxpayer exodus and the large number of illegal aliens voting.

"Congress must stop Obama or Americans are going to have to start engaging in civil disobedience protests to shut down any and all unconstitutional orders coming out of Washington such as Obama's immigration decree tonight.

"Obama's lies, deceptions, and misrepresentations on television tonight were so numerous and so egregious that time and space prohibits enumerating them here.

"We have a liar as chief in the White House who feels confident he can engage in autocratic rule in America due to his billionaire backers and protectors like Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, and Mark Zuckerberg. Obama knows that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell both serve the same mega wealth elites that he does.

"Without fear of checks and balances and without fear the media or any lawmaker will hold him accountable, Obama is going to violate numerous federal laws that say illegal immigrants are not allowed to work in America and that nobody is supposed to encourage them to enter or remain in the US illegally.

"Obama is now a serial liar, dictator, and felon under numerous current federal statutes because of his aid to illegal immigrants.

"As Americans we are required to put a stop to his administrations corrupt practices, lawbreaking, and dictatorial power grab."


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