Friday, January 16, 2015

Grown Children of Gay Couples Tell Courts Why They Support Traditional Marriage

Grown Children of Gay Couples Tell Courts Why They Support Traditional Marriage



The battle over same sex marriage has brought about many legal claims – but not all from the couples themselves. Children of same sex couples often sue for the lack of family stability and denied benefits that a non recognized marital status entails. But some grown children of gay parents are now speaking out against gay marriage – based on their negative experiences.

First, we need to muddle through all the hyperbole and understand what this debate is really about.

Award winning author and apologist Frank Turek writes in Correct, Not Politically Correct,

Activists want same sex marriage because they understand that government backed same sex marriage will validate and normalize homosexuality throughout society.

In his book, “Same-Sex Marriage–Challenges and Responses,” Greg Koukl states, “Same sex marriage is not about civil rights. It is about validation and social respect. It is a radical attempt at civil engineering using government muscle to strong-arm the people into accommodating a lifestyle many find deeply offensive, contrary to nature, socially destructive, and morally repugnant.”  Same sex marriage advocate Andrew Sullivan understands this. He writes, “Including homosexuals within marriage would be a means of conferring the highest form of social approval imaginable.”

This is the real reason homosexual activists are relentlessly pushing to get the government to endorse same sex marriage…they want the social approval that same sex marriage will win them.

This argument will not likely end soon. States throughout the country have spoken to their desires for their residents, yet activist courts have sought to undo the will of many of these states.

Recently, four adult children filed a brief to the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals. In question is whether the harm they experienced was due to bad parenting or an overcompensation to normalize gay unions. In some cases, being refused access to heterosexual families left only one family type to model after.

It’s difficult to ascertain if these particular parents were simply selfish and without boundaries because they were also gay, as their children surmise. What becomes their theme is that children need and have a God-given right to a mother and a father, despite what the gay community may claim. Their stories reflect some abuse or simply neglect. One adult daughter recalls her male friends being propositioned by her dad and his gay partner. The unnatural preoccupation of sex was a theme throughout their childhoods.

The reason Christians have opposed same sex marriage so strongly is two-fold. The Bible has clear instructions regarding all sexuality, and the Biblical family is the symbol of God’s image on the earth. Removing all signs of God in current society continues to be the theme of the day, as His image is clearly under attack. Why else the vehement demand to normalize what abruptly distorts His image?

One thing is certain. Opening the legal box may provide more questions than answers, at least for the time being.

Here’s more from The Washington Times.

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