Sunday, January 18, 2015

ISLAMIC SPIRITUAL LAW: "Reliance Of The Traveler"


"if you truly wish to understand Islam you must read a book titled, Reliance of the Traveler, it is THE authoritative Hermeneutical text on Islamic spiritual law used in Madrases world-wide. In it you will learn that those named as terrorists, Jihadists, are the ones following Islam best & most accurately, and those the world calls moderates are actually apostates to their "religion". This is also why we see so much Muslim on Muslim violence around the world, each separate group believes they are more spiritual than the others so according to Islamic spiritual law, not only do they have a right to punish the others, but if they wish to remain true to Allah, they MUST punish the others - in effort to bring them back to the fold of course. 

It does not matter what you or I think the Quran says and it matters little more what any one Imam or Mosque teaches, what matters is that every single day more than 80% of the Imams and Mosques and virtually every Islamic university in the world teaches from the book I cited. They teach & preach strict unwavering adherence to Sharia, they teach the entire world under a reestablished Caliphate, they teach every last person on the planet forced into submission to Islam and Allah.

In the face of the vast numbers of jihadists, those called moderate Muslims are irrelevant. Just like the majority of Germans were good and decent people, the Nazis, far fewer in number, were able to drag the world into a planet wide war and were not even slowed down by the "moderate" Germans - moderates are irrelevant.

The OIC, Organization of Islamic Cooperation has a well planned program to infiltrate and subvert non-Muslim countries and cultures and it has been in action for a number of years now. It includes gaining positions of influence and power in all levels of government, military, the business sector, academia. The Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates such as CAIR are the mechanism they use. Google Stephen Coughlin Thesis for documentation on all of this and more."

(End Quote)

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