Sunday, January 11, 2015


BREAKING NEWS! Prosecutors to Seek Felony Charges Against Petraeus…Read the latest now on


Martial law is coming and you better be prepared. We've been warning you for a long time.

Everything fits: cutting back our military...relentless attempts to take our guns...creating a police state...arming and weaponizing federal agencies...the creation of fake cities to carry out practice name it.

Obama is purposefully creating chaos and unrest. Look how he and his buddies fueled the fire in Ferguson, New York and all over the country.

And now he's releasing killer convicts onto our streets.

People are angry—but this is what Obama wants! If he creates enough unrest he can implement Martial law and take his place as dictator.

We can stop it if you help us. Donate a few bucks to our Constitution Fund right now because if you don't we can't stop it, and that means...

Resentment will grow and spread. People will take to the streets. Riots and protests will ignite. Criminal acts will be committed far and wide.

It will all feed into Obama's plan to create mass chaos, giving him an excuse to implement Martial law.

Martial Law is the only thing that will satisfy Obama's unquenchable thirst for more power.

What can we do to stop it?

Since you likely can't go to Washington, we can bring Washington to you! Donate to the Tea Party's Constitution Fund and we'll take it from there.

Your donation of a few dollars--$25 or $50 or whatever amount you privately choose to give—helps us build the arsenal to fight this.

We do the legwork and the heavy lifting, you and your friends at the grassroots help us with the funding we need to carry out our plans.

Everyone at Tea Party headquarters has their marching orders. There are even covert watch teams set up to keep an eye on things taking place across America that could trigger Martial law.

It sends chills down my spine when I think about what's coming if we don't act now!

Please, by giving a few dollars today you could help us do what it takes to prevent Martial Law tomorrow.

Will you help us? I pray I can count on you.

Steve Eichler
CEO, Tea Party

** Please forward this email to at least four of your friends and ask them to support our efforts. **

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