Friday, November 14, 2014

Liberal Ignorance at its Finest: Gays and Muslim Unite?

Liberal Ignorance at its Finest: Gays and Muslim Unite?


gaysmuslimsLiberals tout their mission of standing up for women, blacks, homosexuals, illegals, corpses, and anyone else who they believe they can trick.  The left puts minorities into their respective boxes and makes them believe they stand for them.  In reality, minorities are being stood on; the left cannot win with their awful platform unless they have blind obedience. 


Liberals sell this snake oil by claiming tolerance, but tolerant liberals are like Bigfoot.  Millions believe even though the proof is not in Bigfoot’s favor.  Show a liberal a woman who is pro-life and they’ll tell you how much that woman hates herself and her own gender. Show a liberal a black conservative and they say he’s a misguided Uncle Tom or token. 

The left has an ever-increasing intolerance for Christianity, but largely offers a warm embrace to Muslims. The logic behind this is so frustratingly flawed. Muslims kill gay people for being gay, women for being raped, and other Muslims for speaking out of turn. There is no greater intolerance than that of Islam, yet these same liberals who scream peace and love fail to see the vicious murder, hate, and inhumanity.

The gays uniting with Muslims should keep their ignorance out of the Middle East, where they would not be accepted or tolerated like they are in America. In the Middle East, they would be imprisoned and killed.

Indeed, it seems that gays and Muslims have a common enemy: Christians who object to a radical transformation for America. However, both parties should be careful when buying into the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” mantra as the gay community and the Islamic community may be united in their intolerance of Christianity, but remain virulently at-odds in virtually every other fashion.

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